Security Fucked up

:lol: That was awesome, I'mglad someone got that motherfucker to shut up. That was great. I love how he bitches and cried about hsis bruised knee and arm afterwards :lol:
WTF! Some fuckin inbuilt porn filter(in my antivirus software) blocks that vid now suddenly:lol: Dont have the fuckin time to disable it thought:rolleyes: Maybe my Antivirus program thinks Robbie williams is too gay to be shown on my browser :D
wen i was at the Tristania gig, a dude climb in the stage and kissed Vibeke, pure awesomest
no, mindfucked people should be away from people... and guns away from the hand of mindfucked people...
WTF! Some fuckin inbuilt porn filter(in my antivirus software) blocks that vid now suddenly:lol: Dont have the fuckin time to disable it thought:rolleyes: Maybe my Antivirus program thinks Robbie williams is too gay to be shown on my browser :D

Why exactly would you filter porn? Porn is the fuel of the internets! :O
So your mommy don't want you to watch porn ? :D

my moms dead unfortunatley......

No its just inbuilt in the fuckin program and i can turn it off when i want to but i didnt feel that movie was worth that extra ofcourse i can turn it off when i installed it myself.