see us w/ Enslaved!

The Green Evening Requiem will be opening the first night of the Enslaved/Dark Funeral north american tour. Tuesday, January 9th, 2007. we have tickets for $23.

If you haven't seen Enslaved live, you are missing out! this is their third show at Jaxx and our second.

go to for tickets (paypal)

here's a review from Metal Maniacs, Feb. '06:

"Again I’m treated to this band’s airy, rocking metal that’s near impossible to sum up properly in a simple review. Storming with a ballsy but graceful air of Viking metal meshed with Americanized prog, thrash and even folk influences, The Green Evening Requiem’s melodic rock and black/death derivation is a near perfect meld of styles. I’m sure as much Burzum and Emperor are logged in their iPods as Tool, Neil Young and maybe even Portishead. Classic thrash collides with Voivod oddness and frigid currents of Agalloch and Aphotic flow like early spring snowmelt runoff giving things a wholly organic flow. Boundaries cease to exist here. The production is this demo’s only weak point. If you can find room in your heart to hear beyond some static and muffle, this is one goddamned entertaining piece of plastic. (In addition, Demo 2005 includes the demo I reviewed in 2004, another worthy offering.)"