See you all in a few days!


Heavy Metal MANIAC!
May 23, 2004
Ottawa, Canada
Hey all,

I'll be boarding a plane to San Antonio in a few hours, so you won't have the pleasure of my pearls of wisdom until late Sunday... lucky you! HA! :loco:

If any of you are in San Antonio and want to come see us (Exciter) play we're playing at Randy's Ballroom on Saturday night around 10 pm. The show is part of the "June Texas Metal Fest". Flotsam and Jetsam are headlining tomorrow night (Friday).

Hopefully, I'll have some cool stories and pics to relate to you!

More info HERE

:rock: :rock: :rock:
Clammy said:
Hey all,

I'll be boarding a plane to San Antonio in a few hours, so you won't have the pleasure of my pearls of wisdom until late Sunday... lucky you! HA! :loco:

If any of you are in San Antonio and want to come see us (Exciter) play we're playing at Randy's Ballroom on Saturday night around 10 pm. The show is part of the "June Texas Metal Fest". Flotsam and Jetsam are headlining tomorrow night (Friday).

Sounds great Clammy. That should be some great exposure for your band. Play your ass off !! Hope you have a great ime as well.

Hey all,

I'm back!

The show was fun as hell... and I met a lot of cool people into METAL!! I wanted to go to the Alamo, but that didn't pan out. Mostly, I watched a lot of bands play, and ate some GREAT steaks, and played my ass off!

The downside was that the promoter didn't supply the gear he was supposed to or anything specified on our contract rider, and fed us a lot of bullshit about the show itself. But what can ya do? It's part of the game sometimes!

Next show is in Toronto next month, then hopefully Europe in October!

:rock: :rock: :rock:
JonnyD said:
thats good to hear the show was fun! :grin: are you guys going to be doing any gigs in the New England Area I.e Upper Ny State - Mass?


No current plans for NY or any other US cities at this time. But that can change at a moment's notice. We are always evaluating offers, and if it's feasable, we will play! Personally, I'd LOVE to do a full USA tour... but there has to be anaudience, ya know?

:rock: :rock: :rock:
AngelWitch73 said:
Hahaha, I was going to say the same thing ! EXCITER needs to tour Germany. :)

:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

The Euro tour we're negotiating right now will, unfortunately, be very short due to band members' availability. But there has been talk of Dusseldorf and/or Frankfurt. I'm sure Germany will be in there somewhere if this goes forward. We still have a pretty good fanbase over there!

This potential tour won;t be until October, so there's lots of time yet. Once plans start to be finalized, I will let you all know, hehehe...

:rock: :rock: :rock:
Cool. I don´t live near either of those German cities but who knows, maybe if the show is planned for a weekend my husband and I can make the drive. We´ll see when the dates are announced. EXCITER kicked my ass at Wacken !