See all of you in a few days...

No Problem....let's see....we need a new topic now. Well we already discussed Midget Porn and Dentistry....hmmmm........let's try to guess which ones of us were pyromaniacs when we were kids :grin:

I Bet Bryant was...Greg probably was too
dargormudshark said:
No Problem....let's see....we need a new topic now. Well we already discussed Midget Porn and Dentistry....hmmmm........let's try to guess which ones of us were pyromaniacs when we were kids :grin:

I Bet Bryant was...Greg probably was too

Yeah I have had enough of the gay midget porn. Let's talk about some of Udo's home videos instead. And before any of you make any replies to this, only "I" can pick on Udo. I love the little guy in a platonic way of course. :loco:
dargormudshark said:
Remember I like Accept now too, I can pick on Udo too. I almost bought Objection Overruled yesterday, but i gotta save the money. I still havn't found a job yet

Trained well you have hmm ? young padawan.

The force is strong in this one.

Bryant said:
Trained well you have hmm ? young padawan.

The force is strong in this one.


Hey at PP when you get drunk we will walk down the halls of the hotels singing Accept tunes..I can picture it now

Bryant and Me singing "It's hard to understand and find a way to give you all my love"

Hotel Employee: "Gentlemen you need to quiet down"

Me: "Give him a noogie bryant!"

Bryant: "YOu got your balls to the wall man!"