See you at PROG POWER USA next week!


The Nightmare Has Begun..
Ladies and Metalmen, I'm flying out next Wed. for all festivities in Atlanta, GA once again. I'm looking forward to seeing all my friends and the prog power family, I'll be bringing the goods at the Nightmare tables again so please stop by and say hello and pick up a baggie full of CD's ; )

I'll have the new NARNIA / FUTURES END and EDGEND albums early exclusively for Prog Power, all are simply killer, so do your ears a favor and get them.

To hear streaming audio on these albums hit the site's main page.

I'm be joining my friends on stage, KRUCIBLE on Wed, FUTURES END on Thursday and CRIMSON GLORY on stage for their very special tribute to John "MIDNIGHT" McDonald for their headlining set on Friday. (I'm looking forward to making noise with all of them).

C-ya in a few days!