Seeing as Im going to Ragnarock

Welcome along... wait and check out the new look site when it's launched and it will give you a more up to date impression of all things INTENSE...

Yeah one of the guys posts on the PQ forum if i'm not mistaken.. .will have a listen when i get a sec...

aaah see i party hard not so much in a drinking way, in fact i can party hard without kinda partying involves childish games such as "grope the stranger", "pokey face", "ultimate drunken BMX" and "strongbow box dance competition"...its all very unlady like but so much fun!
yeah but this is what ur friends do to the pictures afterwards and post them all over the internet *cries*

yeah was fairly merry myself at epica on friday...played a game of grope the stranger...think i offended the guitarists from one of the other bands tho :eek:S dont think he liked me grabbing him so vigorously LOL
lol I played the drunken game of make fun of the hardcore kids at the show i was playing at and well apparently i pissed a lot of people off. fucking hardcore kids...i dont understand their need to fight the air.
aaah we had a metal kiddies issue at epica, they were all twatted off their faces and kept piling forward and pinning people to the stage..twas annoying...hence we retreated to the bar and the drinking and groping was all good fun, cept i didnt get to play my childish games on Wolverine...was too afraid to pinch the singers arse HAHA..