Seeking for high gain attack, clean fade out tone ?


May 7, 2008
Hellow to all :)
I will be very happy if someone suggest me guitar-wood/pickups/amp combo whith which one is possible to get tone, that has mondo beefy attack with walls of gain and extremely clean and almost acoustic breakup and fade out. It is something like hitting riff throug mesa or peavey and than slowly close the volume, and after 1 or 2 seconds extremly high gain you get clean/acoustic sound. Who can suggest something for that tone ?
:) I asking of tone :
1 It will kill when pickup output is 10 (whet hitting the string) , and will clean, when output is 5 (it is when you wait 2 seconds after hitting the string).
2 When you play softly it has clean sounding, and when you play hard it is brutal high gain sounding.

I think of something live DiMarzio Evo 2, but I am not sure.
The closest possible scenario I can picture thats anything like you've described would be in your playing/control and the guitar's volume knob.
Palm mute a chunk, lift your palm and let it ring out, and then slowly turn the volume knob on your guitar down until the pickup's signal isn't loud enough to push the distortion.
As for 1 master setting that would do all of that without changing anything...... good luck finding something like that in this universe unless you've got a ridiculous amount of noisegate in your setup chain...
From my understanding of pickups the better quality ones offer more clarity and input volume whereas cheaper ones offer vibrating mush through a wet blanket.
Hmm, obviously a guitar with a piezo setup would give you what you need in one guitar. But I'm not sure about the crossfading between the two sounds. Unless you could just get away with an amp that has built in effects, so you could roll off the volume, switch channels from the high gain channel, and have the signal delay as you switch to the clean channel. But I don't understand why you want the volume to roll off before you switch sounds anyway.
Send dry signal from your guitar to amp with clean channel and AND in same time to second high gain amp and put noise gate in front of it :) Maybe the loud high gain attack will mask attack of clean amp...
You would need a midi preamp. And a controller with an expression pedal where you could roll off the gain with your foot.
hit the each chord with your volume on full then gradually turn it down to a level where the pickup isn't hitting the pre-amp stage of the amp as hard.... starts to clean up.... that's the way it's done. the simple way at any rate.

you can also, if you use a programmable pre-amp, assign a CC (Continuous Controller, part of the MIDI standard) to respond to a simple volume pedal and assign that CC to the gain parameter so that that either heel down is full gain and toe down is the reduced gain setting, or vice versa.

either way you have to physically do something to cause this to happen... i mean, unless you really wanna fuck with Envelope Follower programming and implementation... which is way too much hassle and not as musical, expressive, or natural. no combination of pickups and wood is going to do this for you.
Thanks very very much for such a big info :) :)

Force666 - I think it is a closest think, that I want, because it is impossible to roll of volume, while playing riffs and not just hitting the string

Maybe I must just get volume pedal and roll down it, when I want, and because of that the preamp will be not distorted. Am I right ?