Seeking input and/or critiques


Dec 5, 2002
Carrboro, NC
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I know I'm probably asking for it by doing this but whatever...

I've written some stuff throughout the years and was coerced into posting it online by some friends in order to share it and maybe get some actual good musicians to help me fix it up and stuff. So anyway, here is my stuff enjoy, or not!:erk:

BTW, if you're a musician and live around the Raleigh, NC area and like my music, I'd love to jam sometime!
I haven't listened yet but all i can say is whop cares man just write your stuff. Do it for yourself first and the people second. If it makes you rush i am sure it will make other go off as well. I will check it out. Cheers..
Now that I've listened to the whole thing, I gotta say, get a vocalist, write some lyrics, and you've got your demo. I mean, you'll have to rerecord, obviously, but that's some good material.
Good stuff...I like it. Very power metal.
why is your myspace in some germanic language?

Germanic Language??? heh

Thanks for all the comments btw, I really appreciate it! One of the reasons I posted it was to see if there were any metalheads around my area that liked this stuff enough to help out or sing or solo over it or what not.

Oh and sorry for the site being so bare and boring, I'm working on a design for it.