Seempieces gallery update

Everyone should have their album covers done by Travis Smith! This guy has serious talent. All the albums I have that he's done are my favorite covers!
Well if you take off your sweatshirt & look at the back, thats the First Strike Still Deadly(Japanese album edition), Travis did that, & I think it's pretty distinctive, & right under your nose..................:spin: :confused: :spin:
Originally posted by Deadly Embrace
Well if you take off your sweatshirt & look at the back, thats the First Strike Still Deadly(Japanese album edition), Travis did that, & I think it's pretty distinctive, & right under your nose..................:spin: :confused: :spin:

ANNNNDD In my's kinda hard to tell on a black's not exactly a crisp rendition...I don't have the Japanese version of FSSD either....brat:p
Originally Posted By MindInsane: "ANNNNDD In my's kinda hard to tell on a black's not exactly a crisp rendition...I don't have the Japanese version of FSSD either"

Maybe you ought to hire O.J.'s defense team...........cause
your guilty.......................Black Glove............Black Sweatshirt......
But it fits, so you have to convict!.......................:ill: :u-huh: :ill: :u-huh: :erk: :rolleyes: