SEES - Download my EP for FREE! FULL BAND/Djent/Madness


Apr 5, 2011
Coventry CT
Hey guys - new to this forum and haven't posted here yet but were trying to promote our new album as much as possible.

After spending two years cycling through a ton of members and not writing a thing, we decided to sit down and write an album as a three piece (for a five piece).
We hope that putting this album out will help us find members and and simply get our music out there.
We worked tirelessly to put everything together and come out of 2010 being able to say that we actually created something.
We had to juggle work, life and music in order to make it happen....and hell - Unfortunately music isn't our job - we're just normal artists that want to share our music for free - so download and enjoy!!!:D


For the recording we used the following:

Vocals - Shure sm7b, Studio Projects C1, Avalon 737sp
Guitar - Agile AB3000, SC 607B, Various Frankenstein Ibanez Guitars w/Dimebuckets, X3, pball, Hi watt lead 90
Bass - Schecter Stiletto Custom-5, X3
Drums - Roland TD20 kit with add ons (actually played!), SD2/MF
Keys - Reason
DAW - Digital Performer 7, Motu HD192, tons of plugs...

Please share and thanks!
i just fell in love!

the mix is o powerfull and not muddy or anything and real good instrumet seperation and love the voice!

only thing i don´t like are the tom´s the sound too attacky to me

i had an earthquake in the beedroom
I used the headphones… and yes!! I finally listened some clipping areas… you should fix that is annoying but the album is amazing ;)
Ace, thanks for sharing! Really good job on everything. I would love to see a video of your drummer playing on the Roland kit!
This sounds really cool. Very similar to what my friend and I are trying to write. We live in Willimantic, CT. I heard you guys broke up. So you are back together? My friend saw you guys live a while ago. He really liked you.
every hit of the kick is distorting in the low register, everything is clipping like crazy and the mix is pumping like a m*therfucker due to excess limiting. but that's not the mix! it's that fucking mp3 player on the page I noticed now, if you turn it to max (atleast for me) everything just sounds like ass, but at a medium level with my speakers turned up it sounds much much better.
the music is pure fucking awesomeness! downloading it now, thinks it's gonna sound even sweeter :)
Sweet tunes dudes! Free music rocks so hard! Had on FFFUUUUUUU moment though. When the files we're downloaded the songs didn't have the usual data like artist name and album name in them (metadata? idk). Fortunately it was possible to change that to all of the songs at the same time rather than viewing the properties of each song individually.

Thanks for this one!