Payment by cash or paypal (+fees)
1/ CD
1. A. - These CDs belong to a friend. 6 each one, postage not included. No trades.
Acheron - Compendium Diablerie - The demo days (FMP)
Besatt - Hail Lucifer (Undercover)
Bloodhammer / Incriminated - Split (Bestial Burst - 1000 copies)
Ewiges Reich - Zeit des Erwachens (Perveted Taste)
Impiety - Funeralight... (Agonia)
Infamy - The blood shall flow (Qabalah)
Maniac Butcher - Live in Germany (From Beyond)
Marilyn Manson - From obscurity to purgatory (Double cd - Eastworld)
Vultyr - Leviathan dawn (Desolate Landscapes - 500 copies)
1.B. - My list
Prices include worldwide postage.
No price = 6
Abigor "In Memory"
Acarus Sarcopt "Demo I" 4
Arghoslent "Galloping through the battle ruins" (Drakkar) 10
Arkha Sva / Bloodshed Nihil / Impious Havoc / Noctifer / Vordr / Wrath "A sixth sense of darkness" 9
Arsenius "Retorno al culto pagano" 4
Behexen "My Soul for his Glory" 11
Bilskirnir "In flames of purification" (Solistitium) 11
Blasphemer (Ita) "Life kills" 5
Blood of Christ "Breeding Chaos"
Böhse Onkelz "Dunkler Ort" 5
Cadaverous Condition "The Lesser Travelled Seas"
Campo de Mayo "Campo de Mayo"
Cannibal Corpse "15 year killing spree" (CDs only, NO BOXSET) 1 cd = 6 ; 3 cd = 15
Celtic Frost Tribute
Ctanic / Kroll "666" 4
Demiurge "Call of the undead" 4
Dew of Nothing "Doubleweird" 4
Drephjard "Sorgsvart"
Dungortheb "Waiting for Silence"
Enshadowed "Messengers of the darkest dawn" 8
Folklord "Resistance"
Frost / Frostmoon Eclipse "Katharsis - Photismos" 5
Frostkrieg "Das astrale Fenster"
Gehinnom "Misanthropic art" 4
Goetia "Hail Satan"
Gottlos "Infernal Pandemonio"
Helloween "Light the universe" (Japan edition, rare !) 12
Hermh "After the Fire - Ashes"
Hills of Sefiroth "The Neglected Ancestry" 5
Ignivomous "Death Transmutation" 9
Inferno / Tundra "Infernal Belief" 8
Iron Maiden - Trbute "Slave to the Power" (double cd - w/ Sebastian Bach, Solstice, Crowbar...) 12
Joe Satriani "Live in San Francisco" (double cd) 10
Joe Satriani "Original album classics" (5 albums in a box!) 18
Judas Iscariot "Tribute : To the triumph of evil" 7
Kathaarian "Cryptic temples of the ancient cult"
Korgonthurus / Musta Kappeli split 9
Krieg "The Church"
Loits "Vere kutse kohustab" 8
Mad Love "White with foam" 5
Mayhem "Tribute : Originators of the northern darkness" (ultra ltd edition in leather bag + poster) 25
Meinardus "Christendom's perdition" 4
Mitternacht "The desolation of Blandenstein"
Monsters of Death Compilation 5
Moonblood "Supreme Black Force of German Steel" (bootleg) 8
Mortiis "Some Kind of Heroin" (slipcase) 8
Nachtmystium "The first attacks 2000-2001" 10
Nargaroth "Live at Erfurt" DVD 10
Nemesis Throne "Garden of hate" (ltd 500) 5
North "Thorns On The Black Rose"
Paradise Lost "Reflection" 8
Perunwit "Wszystkie odcienie szarosci"
Perverse Souls "Corpus Christii" (137/333) 5
Pest "Tenebris obortis" 10
Primigenium "Art of War"
Propagande Underground "Compilation" (039/250) 5
Raism "Aesthetic terrorism" 8
Ramones "January 7, 1978 at the Palladium, NYC" 5
Rodovest "Here is the Russian Land"
Runes of Dianceht / Hegemoon Split
Samael "Aeonics" 8
Sammath "Verwoesting / Devastation" 5
Scorpions "Best of rockers 'n' ballads" 5
Secrets of the Moon "Privilegium" (ltd digipak) 12
Seges Findere / Doomsday Cult "Warmongers of the Doomsday Cult" 8
Seth "Les Blessures de l'Âme" (Russian press) 5
Severance "What Lies Ahead..."
Slayer "Diabolus in musica" (Signed by 4 bandmembers) 40
Spear of Longinus "Nothing is forever..." 10
Storm Legion "The eye of the prophet" 7
Temnozor "Folkstorm of the azure nights" 10
Tenebrae in perpetuum "Antico misticismo" 10
The Soil Bleeds Black "Alchemie" (second press) 10
Todesstoss - Würmer zu weinen (ltd digipak - 103/300) 20
Tumulus Seraphim "Centenarians' divine lunacy" 5
Urgehal "Rise of the Monument" 10
Verzivatar "In the shadow of sombre clouds" (197/1900) 8
Vinterriket "Lichtsleier" (Flood the Earth - ltd 1000)
Vinterriket "Berglandschaften 2001-2004" (digipak in slipcase - In the Morningside - ltd 1000) 8
Vinterriket / AEP Split (Asphyxiate - ltd 500)
Vinterriket / Rikket - Split (Oskorei - 299/300) 20
Vinterriket / Uruk-Hai "-2-" (Battlefield / Drama - ltd 1000) 8
Vordr "III" 8
Vrolok "Resurgence III" 5 (warning, only cd and back cover, NO front cover)
Wolfnacht "Dawn of heathens" 10
World Domination "Compilation"
Xasthur "All reflections drained" (ltd edition double cd) 15
Ymesh "Let them be naïve" 4
2/ Vinyls
Prices don't include postage.
ABIGOR - Fractal Possession LP 15
BILSKIRNIR / EVIL / PANTHEON - Under the sign of the hammer EP 8
BLISS OF FLESH - Todtentanz EP 5
BONE AWL - Undying glare EP (grey - ltd 200) 15
DEAD ORCHESTRA - Global lobotomy LP 8
DEATHCHURCH - Unsilent hate anthem EP 7
DENIAL OF GOD - Incubus EP (black - ltd 400 - signed) 12
DENIAL OF GOD / ABYSMAL GRIEF - Split EP (white - ltd 200) 15
DODHEIMSGARD - Satanic art MCMXVIII LP (bootleg ? - ltd 200) 15
DOWN - Threefold live - Diary of a mad band (triple LP - NEW) 20
DROWNING THE LIGHT - The weeping moon LP (ltd 666) 15
DROWNING THE LIGHT - Vampyric Winter EP (7" + black shirt - size M - in a box - Ltd to 50)
DROWNING THE LIGHT / ETERNUM - United by iron will EP (ltd 1000) 8
EXECRATOR - The beast is come EP 4
FRONT BEAST / RUINS - Split EP (black - ltd 400) 5
FRONT BEAST / THY ASHES - Split EP (red - ltd 100) 8
INFERNAL NECROMANCY - Freezing blackstained universe EP 4
IRON MAIDEN - Interview Adrian Smith (Picture EP) 10
KRIEG - The Black Plague LP (ltd 666) 15
NUNSLAUGHTER - Black horn of the ram EP (ltd 100) 15
NUNSLAUGHTER / RADIOLOKATOR - Split EP (black - ltd 300) 10
NUNSLAUGHTER / RADIOLOKATOR - Split EP (Picture EP - NS cover - ltd 150) 15
Outbreak of Evil vol 1 (Bestial Mockery, Nocturnal, Vomitor, Toxic Holocaust) (ltd 1000) 8
SABBAT - Malaysian demonslaught EP (ltd 300) 10
SABBAT / DESASTER - Anniversarius EP (signed by Desaster members)
The Evil conquer world - The first possession (Behalf Fiend, Blasphemiam, Grave Desecration, Bestial Holocaust) (ltd 500) 10
THRONEUM / SUICIDAL WINDS - Necroblasphemies EP (175/500) 5
TORTURIUM - Misanthropic Angels Burning Winds LP 10
TWISTED SISTER - Come out and play LP 8
WOLFNACHT - Zeit der Cherusker LP 12
WOLFNACHT - Aima kai timh EP (ltd 300) 12
ZEMIAL - I am the Dark (Picture EP - Ltd to 333 - Signed) 15
3/ Shirts
Prices don't include postage.
BATHORY "Nordland" (size XL) 10

ENSLAVED "Below the lights" (LONG SLEEVE, size XL) 15

MAYHEM "Grand declaration of war" (size XL) 12

MAYHEM "River of blood" (size XL) 15

METALUCIFER "Heavy metal bulldozaaarrrggghhh" (L) 15

OFERMOD "Lord Chaos" (M) 10

PORTAL "Outre" (M) 12

TEITANBLOOD "Abominable devil worship" (L) 15

4/ Tapes
Prices don't include postage.
No price = 3
Absurd - Werwolfthron (PRO tape - Eastside - ltd 500) 5
Ancestral Fog - Live in Duinkerke (Autoprod - n°294 - Signed) 8
Black Howling / Marbh - Split (PRO tape - Frenteuropa - 107/200) 4
Daemonlord - The end of the era (Wolf - 170/200)
Desolation Triumphalis - Forever bound to nothingness (Misanthropic Propaganda)
Devilish Era - Under the aegis of the megathropist (DUKE)
Dimhymn - Djävulens tid är kommen (Satanic Propaganda)
Drowning the Light - Flames of sacrifice (Winterreich - Ltd to 188) PM
Erhabenheit / Vinterkrig - Split (Osolon)
Front Beast - (Tape w/ sticker - Deathstrike/HellWar - 501/666) 6
Gorgon - The lady rides a black horse (PRO tape - East Gothic) 7
Graveland - Thousand swords (Oriana/Kolovrat) 5
Hell - The arrival of the eternal reign of evil (PRO tape - The Way of Force - 158/266) 5
Hypothermia - Rakbladsvalsen (Those Opposed) 4
Lunatic Gods- Sitting by the fire (Metal Age)
Lunatic Gods - The wilderness (Akne)
Marblebog / Hunok - On the path of battles (Tanhu/Einsatzkommando - ltd 500)
Melancholy Pessimism - Recompense to saints (PRO tape - Metal Age/TAGA)
Menneskerhat - Der Weg zum Galgen (Donnerschlag - 449/500)
Metallica - Some kind of monster (PRO tape - Vertigo - Egyptian press) 10
Morbid Angel - Visions from the live side (bootleg)
Nargaroth - Black metal ist Krieg (PRO tape - Old Legend) 5
Nihilistic Kaos - Démence et perversion (Korosiv/DUKE - 194/500)
Nitberg - Donner Wetter donner Wyrd (Frostcald)
Nunslaughter - Raid the Country Star - Live 18/03/2009 Albignasego (Padova) Italy (PRO tape - War Kommand - 57/166) 10
Nyctophobic - Live, Merksplas (Obliteration - n°358)
Obtest - Auka seniems dievams (PRO tape - Ledo Takas) 5
Ornaments of Sin - Inhale Zyklon-B (Totenkopf Propaganda - ltd 800) 5
Overkill - The years of decay (PRO tape - Megaforce) 5
Samael - 1987-1992 (gathers "Blood ritual" and "Worship him" - PRO tape - Metal Mind) 7
Slaughter House - Face reality (PRO tape - Metal Blade)
The Arrival of Satan - Darkness dealer (Tape w/ sticker - Ars Funebris - Die Hard version + pin ltd 50) 5
Tomb - Sacrilegium (PRO tape - Todestrieb)
Vinterriket - ...Gjennom takete skogen (Tape w/ sticker - Neodawn / Beverina - 289/500) 5
Vinterriket - Finsternis (Arcano Musica - 035/1000) 5
Vinterriket - ...Und die Nacht kam schweren Schrittes (Tape w/ sticker - Stygian Shadows - ltd 150) 5
Vinterriket - Winterschatten (Graf - 48/166) 5
Vinterriket - 7-Zoll Kollektion 2002-2006 (Eisenwald - 147/200) 5
Wolfsschrei - Torture of a human soul (Nightfog - 026/222)
Wolfsschrei - Moriturus (Black Devastation)
1/ CD
1. A. - These CDs belong to a friend. 6 each one, postage not included. No trades.
Acheron - Compendium Diablerie - The demo days (FMP)
Besatt - Hail Lucifer (Undercover)
Bloodhammer / Incriminated - Split (Bestial Burst - 1000 copies)
Ewiges Reich - Zeit des Erwachens (Perveted Taste)
Impiety - Funeralight... (Agonia)
Infamy - The blood shall flow (Qabalah)
Maniac Butcher - Live in Germany (From Beyond)
Marilyn Manson - From obscurity to purgatory (Double cd - Eastworld)
Vultyr - Leviathan dawn (Desolate Landscapes - 500 copies)
1.B. - My list
Prices include worldwide postage.
No price = 6
Abigor "In Memory"
Acarus Sarcopt "Demo I" 4
Arghoslent "Galloping through the battle ruins" (Drakkar) 10
Arkha Sva / Bloodshed Nihil / Impious Havoc / Noctifer / Vordr / Wrath "A sixth sense of darkness" 9
Arsenius "Retorno al culto pagano" 4
Behexen "My Soul for his Glory" 11
Bilskirnir "In flames of purification" (Solistitium) 11
Blasphemer (Ita) "Life kills" 5
Blood of Christ "Breeding Chaos"
Böhse Onkelz "Dunkler Ort" 5
Cadaverous Condition "The Lesser Travelled Seas"
Campo de Mayo "Campo de Mayo"
Cannibal Corpse "15 year killing spree" (CDs only, NO BOXSET) 1 cd = 6 ; 3 cd = 15
Celtic Frost Tribute
Ctanic / Kroll "666" 4
Demiurge "Call of the undead" 4
Dew of Nothing "Doubleweird" 4
Drephjard "Sorgsvart"
Dungortheb "Waiting for Silence"
Enshadowed "Messengers of the darkest dawn" 8
Folklord "Resistance"
Frost / Frostmoon Eclipse "Katharsis - Photismos" 5
Frostkrieg "Das astrale Fenster"
Gehinnom "Misanthropic art" 4
Goetia "Hail Satan"
Gottlos "Infernal Pandemonio"
Helloween "Light the universe" (Japan edition, rare !) 12
Hermh "After the Fire - Ashes"
Hills of Sefiroth "The Neglected Ancestry" 5
Ignivomous "Death Transmutation" 9
Inferno / Tundra "Infernal Belief" 8
Iron Maiden - Trbute "Slave to the Power" (double cd - w/ Sebastian Bach, Solstice, Crowbar...) 12
Joe Satriani "Live in San Francisco" (double cd) 10
Joe Satriani "Original album classics" (5 albums in a box!) 18
Judas Iscariot "Tribute : To the triumph of evil" 7
Kathaarian "Cryptic temples of the ancient cult"
Korgonthurus / Musta Kappeli split 9
Krieg "The Church"
Loits "Vere kutse kohustab" 8
Mad Love "White with foam" 5
Mayhem "Tribute : Originators of the northern darkness" (ultra ltd edition in leather bag + poster) 25
Meinardus "Christendom's perdition" 4
Mitternacht "The desolation of Blandenstein"
Monsters of Death Compilation 5
Moonblood "Supreme Black Force of German Steel" (bootleg) 8
Mortiis "Some Kind of Heroin" (slipcase) 8
Nachtmystium "The first attacks 2000-2001" 10
Nargaroth "Live at Erfurt" DVD 10
Nemesis Throne "Garden of hate" (ltd 500) 5
North "Thorns On The Black Rose"
Paradise Lost "Reflection" 8
Perunwit "Wszystkie odcienie szarosci"
Perverse Souls "Corpus Christii" (137/333) 5
Pest "Tenebris obortis" 10
Primigenium "Art of War"
Propagande Underground "Compilation" (039/250) 5
Raism "Aesthetic terrorism" 8
Ramones "January 7, 1978 at the Palladium, NYC" 5
Rodovest "Here is the Russian Land"
Runes of Dianceht / Hegemoon Split
Samael "Aeonics" 8
Sammath "Verwoesting / Devastation" 5
Scorpions "Best of rockers 'n' ballads" 5
Secrets of the Moon "Privilegium" (ltd digipak) 12
Seges Findere / Doomsday Cult "Warmongers of the Doomsday Cult" 8
Seth "Les Blessures de l'Âme" (Russian press) 5
Severance "What Lies Ahead..."
Slayer "Diabolus in musica" (Signed by 4 bandmembers) 40
Spear of Longinus "Nothing is forever..." 10
Storm Legion "The eye of the prophet" 7
Temnozor "Folkstorm of the azure nights" 10
Tenebrae in perpetuum "Antico misticismo" 10
The Soil Bleeds Black "Alchemie" (second press) 10
Todesstoss - Würmer zu weinen (ltd digipak - 103/300) 20
Tumulus Seraphim "Centenarians' divine lunacy" 5
Urgehal "Rise of the Monument" 10
Verzivatar "In the shadow of sombre clouds" (197/1900) 8
Vinterriket "Lichtsleier" (Flood the Earth - ltd 1000)
Vinterriket "Berglandschaften 2001-2004" (digipak in slipcase - In the Morningside - ltd 1000) 8
Vinterriket / AEP Split (Asphyxiate - ltd 500)
Vinterriket / Rikket - Split (Oskorei - 299/300) 20
Vinterriket / Uruk-Hai "-2-" (Battlefield / Drama - ltd 1000) 8
Vordr "III" 8
Vrolok "Resurgence III" 5 (warning, only cd and back cover, NO front cover)
Wolfnacht "Dawn of heathens" 10
World Domination "Compilation"
Xasthur "All reflections drained" (ltd edition double cd) 15
Ymesh "Let them be naïve" 4
2/ Vinyls
Prices don't include postage.
ABIGOR - Fractal Possession LP 15
BILSKIRNIR / EVIL / PANTHEON - Under the sign of the hammer EP 8
BLISS OF FLESH - Todtentanz EP 5
BONE AWL - Undying glare EP (grey - ltd 200) 15
DEAD ORCHESTRA - Global lobotomy LP 8
DEATHCHURCH - Unsilent hate anthem EP 7
DENIAL OF GOD - Incubus EP (black - ltd 400 - signed) 12
DENIAL OF GOD / ABYSMAL GRIEF - Split EP (white - ltd 200) 15
DODHEIMSGARD - Satanic art MCMXVIII LP (bootleg ? - ltd 200) 15
DOWN - Threefold live - Diary of a mad band (triple LP - NEW) 20
DROWNING THE LIGHT - The weeping moon LP (ltd 666) 15
DROWNING THE LIGHT - Vampyric Winter EP (7" + black shirt - size M - in a box - Ltd to 50)
DROWNING THE LIGHT / ETERNUM - United by iron will EP (ltd 1000) 8
EXECRATOR - The beast is come EP 4
FRONT BEAST / RUINS - Split EP (black - ltd 400) 5
FRONT BEAST / THY ASHES - Split EP (red - ltd 100) 8
INFERNAL NECROMANCY - Freezing blackstained universe EP 4
IRON MAIDEN - Interview Adrian Smith (Picture EP) 10
KRIEG - The Black Plague LP (ltd 666) 15
NUNSLAUGHTER - Black horn of the ram EP (ltd 100) 15
NUNSLAUGHTER / RADIOLOKATOR - Split EP (black - ltd 300) 10
NUNSLAUGHTER / RADIOLOKATOR - Split EP (Picture EP - NS cover - ltd 150) 15
Outbreak of Evil vol 1 (Bestial Mockery, Nocturnal, Vomitor, Toxic Holocaust) (ltd 1000) 8
SABBAT - Malaysian demonslaught EP (ltd 300) 10
SABBAT / DESASTER - Anniversarius EP (signed by Desaster members)
The Evil conquer world - The first possession (Behalf Fiend, Blasphemiam, Grave Desecration, Bestial Holocaust) (ltd 500) 10
THRONEUM / SUICIDAL WINDS - Necroblasphemies EP (175/500) 5
TORTURIUM - Misanthropic Angels Burning Winds LP 10
TWISTED SISTER - Come out and play LP 8
WOLFNACHT - Zeit der Cherusker LP 12
WOLFNACHT - Aima kai timh EP (ltd 300) 12
ZEMIAL - I am the Dark (Picture EP - Ltd to 333 - Signed) 15
3/ Shirts
Prices don't include postage.
BATHORY "Nordland" (size XL) 10

ENSLAVED "Below the lights" (LONG SLEEVE, size XL) 15

MAYHEM "Grand declaration of war" (size XL) 12

MAYHEM "River of blood" (size XL) 15

METALUCIFER "Heavy metal bulldozaaarrrggghhh" (L) 15

OFERMOD "Lord Chaos" (M) 10

PORTAL "Outre" (M) 12

TEITANBLOOD "Abominable devil worship" (L) 15

4/ Tapes
Prices don't include postage.
No price = 3
Absurd - Werwolfthron (PRO tape - Eastside - ltd 500) 5
Ancestral Fog - Live in Duinkerke (Autoprod - n°294 - Signed) 8
Black Howling / Marbh - Split (PRO tape - Frenteuropa - 107/200) 4
Daemonlord - The end of the era (Wolf - 170/200)
Desolation Triumphalis - Forever bound to nothingness (Misanthropic Propaganda)
Devilish Era - Under the aegis of the megathropist (DUKE)
Dimhymn - Djävulens tid är kommen (Satanic Propaganda)
Drowning the Light - Flames of sacrifice (Winterreich - Ltd to 188) PM
Erhabenheit / Vinterkrig - Split (Osolon)
Front Beast - (Tape w/ sticker - Deathstrike/HellWar - 501/666) 6
Gorgon - The lady rides a black horse (PRO tape - East Gothic) 7
Graveland - Thousand swords (Oriana/Kolovrat) 5
Hell - The arrival of the eternal reign of evil (PRO tape - The Way of Force - 158/266) 5
Hypothermia - Rakbladsvalsen (Those Opposed) 4
Lunatic Gods- Sitting by the fire (Metal Age)
Lunatic Gods - The wilderness (Akne)
Marblebog / Hunok - On the path of battles (Tanhu/Einsatzkommando - ltd 500)
Melancholy Pessimism - Recompense to saints (PRO tape - Metal Age/TAGA)
Menneskerhat - Der Weg zum Galgen (Donnerschlag - 449/500)
Metallica - Some kind of monster (PRO tape - Vertigo - Egyptian press) 10
Morbid Angel - Visions from the live side (bootleg)
Nargaroth - Black metal ist Krieg (PRO tape - Old Legend) 5
Nihilistic Kaos - Démence et perversion (Korosiv/DUKE - 194/500)
Nitberg - Donner Wetter donner Wyrd (Frostcald)
Nunslaughter - Raid the Country Star - Live 18/03/2009 Albignasego (Padova) Italy (PRO tape - War Kommand - 57/166) 10
Nyctophobic - Live, Merksplas (Obliteration - n°358)
Obtest - Auka seniems dievams (PRO tape - Ledo Takas) 5
Ornaments of Sin - Inhale Zyklon-B (Totenkopf Propaganda - ltd 800) 5
Overkill - The years of decay (PRO tape - Megaforce) 5
Samael - 1987-1992 (gathers "Blood ritual" and "Worship him" - PRO tape - Metal Mind) 7
Slaughter House - Face reality (PRO tape - Metal Blade)
The Arrival of Satan - Darkness dealer (Tape w/ sticker - Ars Funebris - Die Hard version + pin ltd 50) 5
Tomb - Sacrilegium (PRO tape - Todestrieb)
Vinterriket - ...Gjennom takete skogen (Tape w/ sticker - Neodawn / Beverina - 289/500) 5
Vinterriket - Finsternis (Arcano Musica - 035/1000) 5
Vinterriket - ...Und die Nacht kam schweren Schrittes (Tape w/ sticker - Stygian Shadows - ltd 150) 5
Vinterriket - Winterschatten (Graf - 48/166) 5
Vinterriket - 7-Zoll Kollektion 2002-2006 (Eisenwald - 147/200) 5
Wolfsschrei - Torture of a human soul (Nightfog - 026/222)
Wolfsschrei - Moriturus (Black Devastation)