No trades.
Prices are in euro and don't include postage.
Some items are without price: that means i have to check the edition / condition of the LP.
Prices are indicative: if they seem too high, just make an offer, we'll try to work something out.
Postage prices:
small package (under 2 kg) / economy (NOT registered):
0-500g = 5
501-1000g = 7 EU ; 9 Rest of world
1001-2000g = 9 EU ; 13,50 Rest of world
Payment: cash in a (registered) letter is preferred. Paypal is possible but of course with supplementary fees.
Feel free to ask any question (condition, color of the LP, label, pics...)
Items marked with *** are not stored at my home but at my parents'. Thus i am NOT able to take pics of them before july 4th.
I may be slow to answer BUT every message will get an answer.
ABIGAIL Ultimate unholy death 12
Sweet baby metal slut 12
ABIGAIL / BARBATOS Sexual metal holocaust Black LP - Ltd to 800 15
ABIGAIL / KORIHOR Alcoholik metal blasphemers 315/500 12
ABIGAIL / MORRIGAN A celtic / japanese alliance 12
ABIGAIL / WITCHBURNER Split LP Picture LP - 212/500 20
ABIGOR Nachthymnen (from the twilight kingdom) 17
Verwüstung / Invoke the dark age 17
Fractal possession 15
ABSU The sun of Tiphareth Picture LP - Ltd to 500 20
The third storm of Cythraul Picture LP - Ltd to 500 20
ABSURD Blutgericht 30
ABSURD / GRAND BELIAL'S KEY / SIGRBLOT Weltenfeind Black LP - Ltd to 300 60
ABSURD / PANTHEON Wolfskrieger / Galdur Vikodlaks 30
ACHERON Xomaly 12
AGALLOCH / NEST The wolves of Timberline / Last vestige of old joy Picture LP - 912/1000 50
ALTAR OF PERVERSION Adgnosco veteris vestigio flammae 40
AMORPHIS ***The karelian isthmus Picture LP 60
***Tales from the thousand lakes Picture LP 60
AMPÜTATOR Intolerance deathsquads Ltd to 500 12
ANAL BLASPHEMY Bestial black metal filth Black LP - Ltd to 400 12
ANGANTYR Endeløs / Nordens stolte krigere 12
ANGANTYR / NASHEIM Split LP 207/666 13
ANWYL Postmortem apocalypse Ltd to 500 10
ARCKANUM The 11 year anniversary album Ltd to 1000 40
Trulen Ltd to 666 30
ARGHOSLENT Incorrigible bigotry Ltd to 500 30
Arsenal of glory 038 (/400) 30
Hornets of the pogrom n°276 25
ARGHOSLENT / MARTIAL BARRAGE Send forth the best ye breed 192/500 25
ARKHA SVA Mikama isaro mada 332 (/500) 20
ARKHA SVA / BLACK STENCH Split LP Ltd to 500 35
ARKHA SVA / SACRIFICIA MORTUORUM / LUGUBRUM Nécromancie Outrancière & Irresponsabilité Religieuse Clear LP - Ltd to 100 30
ARKONA Zeta reticuli - A tale about hatred and total enslavement 020/500 25
ARMAGEDDA Echoes in eternity Ltd to 500 15
ARMAGGEDON Kill yourself or die Picture LP - Ltd to 333 15
Imperium wird durch das Blut wieder aufleben Black LP - Ltd to 300 15
ARMAGGEDON / BESATT / MISANTHROPY / INNER HELVETE Conquering the world with true black metal war 067/500 25
ASKE (Ger) R.I.P. 419/444 10
ASTROFAES Heritage 428/500 15
ATOMIZER Death - Mutation - Disease - Annihilation Picture LP 15
The only weapon of choice - 13 odes to power, decimation and conquest Ltd to 666 15
The death of forever Picture LP 20
Atomic bloodlust - Live 2003 15
AZAGHAL Of beasts and vultures Ltd to 500 25
Codex antitheus Ltd to 500 25
AZAGHAL / BLACK DEATH RITUAL Neljä vihan vasaraa / Four hammers of hate Ltd to 800 25
AZAGHAL / KRIEG Split LP 628/666 25
***BAD RELIGION 21st century (digital boy) Picture LP 12
BAPTISM Evil mysteries Ltd to 1000 30
BARASTIR / UGLUK Under the banner of hate / Hveralundr Black LP - Ltd to 250 15
BARBATOS Razor leather live ! First press - 173/200 15
Razor leather live ! Second press - 192/200 15
BARBATOS / BLIZZARD United metal punks Ltd to 1000 15
BATHORY Jubileum vol. 1 35
Blood fire death
Destroyer of worlds Picture LP 20
BEASTCRAFT Into the burning pit of hell Ltd to 400 12
BEHEMOTH ***The return of the northern moon Ltd to 500 50
Conjuration 15
Demonica Ltd to 525 17
BEHEXEN My soul for his glory Ltd to 1000 30
BEKHIRA L'élu du mal Ltd to 666 15
BELENOS Chemins de souffrance 131/300 20
BELPHEGOR Goatreich - Fleshcult Ltd to 1000 15
Bondage goat zombie Red LP - 0656 (/1000) 15
BESATT In nomine Satanas Ltd to 500 12
BESTIAL MOCKERY Slaying the life Picture LP 15
Gospel of the insane Ltd to 500 15
BESTIAL MOCKERY / UNHOLY MASSACRE Eve of the bestial massacre 086/500 10
BILSKIRNIR Hyperborea Ltd to 500 25
BLACK CIRCLE Behold my visions and wisdom 12
BLACK CRUCIFIXION Promethean gift 15
Satanic Zeitgeist - Live 23th of august 1991 Ltd to 500 15
BLACK FUNERAL Az-I-Dahak Ltd to 500 12
Belial arisen Ltd to 500 12
BLASPHEMOPHAGHER For chaos, obscurity and desolation Die Hard 25
BLESSED IN SIN Honour the anus of Mary 172/500 20
BLODSRIT Hinterland ???/500 15
The well of light has finally dried ???/500 15
BLOODHAMMER / RIDE FOR REVENGE Chords of the left hand 18
BLOOD RED FOG / FUNERARY BELL Split LP Black LP - Ltd to 300 15
BLUTSCHREI The voice of forbidden pride Black LP - Ltd to 400 12
BONE AWL Not for our feet 15
Meaningless leaning mess Black LP - Ltd to ???? 15
BURZUM Demo 1 Bootleg 30
Daudi baldrs
Fallen Clear LP - Ltd to 3000 25
CAEDES Blood, war, perversion Ltd to 350 12
CAÏNA The heart of the master 15
CARPATHIAN FOREST Skjend hans lik 15
CELESTIA Frigidiis apotheosia : abstinencia genesiis n°226 15
CENTINEX Decadence - Prophecies of cosmic chaos 281/666 12
Diabolical desolation 12
CIRCLE OF OUROBORUS / SOMNIVORE Golden blood Ltd to 300 17
CORPUS CHRISTII Lost chapters 12
CRADLE OF FILTH Vempire or dark faerytales in phallustein 35
CRYFEMAL Apotheosis oculta Colored LP - Ltd to 100 20
DAEMONLORD The end of the era 382/500 12
DARKESTRAH Embrace of memory 82/300 13
The way to paganism 096/300 13
***DARKTHRONE A blaze in the northern sky Brazilian Press 30
***DARK TRANQUILLITY The gallery Red LP - Ltd to 300 75
DAUDUR Daudur 094/500 10
DEAD RAVEN CHOIR My firstborn will surely be blind Ltd to 300 17
DEATH ***Symbolic 75
The final gigs Bootleg 18
DEATHSPELL OMEGA Fas - Ite, maledicti, in ignem aeternum 27
Kenôse 30
Paracletus 22
DECAYED The book of darkness Ltd to 500 15
Demon blade Ltd to 500 20
Resurrectîónem mortuórum 136/333 15
DECAYED / URN The nameless wraith / Morbid death Ltd to 666 12
DEFUNTOS Nada é eterno 121/500 15
***DEICIDE Deicide 40
DENIAL OF GOD The horrors of Satan Picture LP - Ltd to 500 25
DEN SAAKALDTE Øl, mørke og depresjon Ltd to 500 20
DER STÜRMER Carelian pagan madness Ltd to 500 30
DER STÜRMER / TOTENBURG Civis pacem para bellum 15
DESASTER 20 years of total desaster Ltd to 666 50
DESOLATION TRIUMPHALIS Forever bound to nothingness Black LP - Ltd to 400 15
***DESTRUCTION Sentence of death 35
DEVASTATOR The summoning Picture LP - Ltd to 300 13
DEVILRY Stormbolt Ltd to 500 12
Rites for the spring of supremacy 12
DIABOLI The antichrist Ltd to 500 15
DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER All you need is love 15
DIE SAAT Niedergang 315/500 12
DIMMU BORGIR For all tid Ltd to 1000
Stormblast Picture LP - Ltd to 1000 40
Death cult armaggedon 20
DISSECTION ***Storm of the light's bane Picture LP - Ltd to 500 80
The somberlain Double LP - Ltd to 2000 60
Reinkaos 25
DODHEIMSGARD Satanic art MCMXCVIII Bootleg - 118/200 17
DODSFERD Fucking your creation Picture LP - Ltd to 500 15
DRAUGSANG / MÖRKER Seil på skyggans hav / Den sista utfärden 266/500 12
DRAUGWATH Dwellers of the cursed forest Ltd to 500 10
DROWNING THE LIGHT The blood of the ancients Ltd to 666 20
A world long dead 244/333 40
A pact with madness Ltd to 1000 20
A pact with madness Version Die Hard + pin - 198/222 40
The weeping moon Ltd to 666 15
The weeping moon Clear LP - 5/150 35
The fading rays of the sun Purple LP - Ltd to 150 35
The fading rays of the sun Black LP - Ltd to 516 17
The serpents reign Picture LP - 268/300 30
To the end of time Picture LP - 198/300 30
Flames of sacrifice 114/300
Land of the dead sun Black LP - Ltd to 400 17
DROWNING THE LIGHT / CIRCLE OF OUROBORUS Moonflares Black LP - Ltd to 400 17
DROWNING THE LIGHT / EMPIRE OF THARAPHITA Path of the old lunar cult empire Ltd to 666 20
DRUDKH Estrangement
Songs of grief and solitude Ltd to 500
Anti-urban 312/999 25
DUB BUK Ruś ponad use ! Ltd to 500 18
Misyac pomsty Ltd to 500 18
Eight Acts of Origin 43/488 25
ELITE Kampen Ltd to 500 17
ELJUDNER Daudningekvider 252/500 12
EMPEROR Anthems to the welkin at dusk Rerelease (Back on Black) 12
EMPTY The house of funerary hymns 12
EMPTY / ANIMUS MORTIS Invocations from the innominate void Ltd to 500 13
ENDSTILLE Endstilles Reich 18
Navigator Ltd to 300 18
ENSHADOWED Messengers of the darkest dawn Black LP - 157 (/350) 15
***ENTOMBED Left hand path 50
Clandestine Embossed sleeve 50
ETERNAL MAJESTY From war to darkness Picture LP - Ltd to 500 12
EWIGES REICH Ewiges Reich 374/500 16
Thron aus Eis 16
***EXODUS Fabulous disaster 17
***FALKENBACH En their medh riki fara Ltd to 500 65
***FLAMES Last prophecy 25
Greatest hits 20
FOREFATHER Deep into time Ltd to 500 20
FROSTKRIEG Das astrale Fenster Ltd to 400 15
FUNERAL FOG Under the black veil Black LP - Ltd to 400 - 181/500 12
GASZIMMER Dominazione di eternità 111/333 12
GAUNTLET'S SWORD Theosophy 016/333 - Blue LP - Ltd to 100 15
GLORIOR BELLI / CREEPING Rites of spiritual death Ltd to 300 15
***GOD DETHRONED The Christhunt Picture LP 20
GORATH Elite 12
GORGOROTH Pentagram First press (Agonia) - Ltd to 1000 20
Antichrist First press (Agonia) - Ltd to 1000 20
Under the sign of hell Rerelease (Back on Black) 20
Incipit Satan Rerelease (Back on Black) 15
Twilight of the idols (In conspiracy with Satan) Rerelease (Back on Black) 15
GOSPEL OF THE HORNS The satanist's dream Picture LP 22
GRAVE Morbid ways to die - 0684/2000 65
GRAVELAND Will stronger than death 20
The fire of awakening 20
Drunemeton Version Die Hard + patch - Ltd to 100 30
Wotan mit mir Red LP - Ltd to 300 - 795/900 20
In the glare of burning churches 581/666 20
The celtic winter 477/666 20
Spears of heaven / Cold winter blades Black LP 25
GRAVEWÜRM Ancient storms of war Black LP - Ltd to 400 12
Blood of the pentagram Ltd to 100 18
HAEMOTH Kontamination 12
HAGALAZ' RUNEDANCE Frigga's web 12
HALGADOM Sturmwoge 157/400 15
HATE FOREST To twilight thickets 160/388 25
HATI Tauer, Krieg, Verzweiflung und Hass Ltd to 500 15
HAVOHEJ Hornbook Seytan Black LP 15
HEIDEVOLK Walhalla wacht Green LP - Ltd to 150 20
HELHEIM Nidr ok nordr liggr helvegr Ltd to 1000 15
HELLIAS Noc potepienia 12
HELLSAW Spiritual twilight Ltd to 500 10
HERETIC Devilworshipper 213/300 17
HETROERTZEN Flying across the misty gardens 313/500 17
HIRAX Blasted in Bangkok
Barrage of noise 12
HOATH Kodex II: Kether 175/583 15
HOLY DEATH The knight, death and the devil Black LP - Ltd to 400 12
HORNA Envaatnags eflos solf esgantaavne Ltd - Double LP 55
Pimeyden hehku Ltd to 500 35
Kohti yhdeksän nousua Ltd to 500 30
Ääniä yössä Ltd to 1000 20
HORNA / KERBEROS Goatfucking Gent / Vivicomburium MMIV a.b. 587/738 25
***HYPOCRISY Abducted 45
HYPOTHERMIA Rakbladsvalsen Ltd to 500 25
Gråtoner Version noire - Ltd to 800 25
HYPOTHERMIA / DIMHYMN Sjuklig intention 25
IGNIVOMOUS Death transmutation Picture LP 20
IMMORTAL ***Diabolical fullmoon mysticism 90
Damned in black Red & black LP - Ltd to 200 30
***IMPALED NAZARENE Tol cormpt norz norz norz 60
Rapture 1011/1000 30
***IMPENDING DOOM Caedes sacrilegae 244/500 30
IMPIETY Formidonis nex cultus Black LP - Ltd to 400 25
Worshippers of the seventh tyranny Splatter LP - Ltd to 516 20
IMPIOUS HAVOC At the ruins of the holy kingdom Ltd to 500 12
Dawn of nothing 078/500 12
INCRIMINATED Hypocricide 381/400 15
Death nöize 15
INFERNO V návratu pohanstvi 060/300 20
INFERNO / TUNDRA Infernal belief 12
INFINITY The arcane wisdom of shadows Ltd to 666 13
INKISITOR / S.V.E.S.T. Split EP 25
IRON MAIDEN ***Aces high Picture LP
***Fear of the dark -live- Shape Picture LP - 2349/10000 27
***The wicker man (version maxi LP) Picture LP 20
***The number of the beast (version maxi LP) Picture LP
A matter of life and death Double picture LP 30
The final frontier Double picture LP 30
IRON YOUTH Faith is stronger than fire 187/550 18
Dürch das Volk - Mit dem Volk - Für das Volk 185/300 20
Respect / Defend / Create 158/300 20
KAMPFAR ***Fra underverdene Ltd to 500 45
Mellom skogkledde aaset 237/500 18
Kvass 218/800 17
KATHAARIAN Cryptic temples of the ancient cult Ltd to 300 12
KHORS Cold Ltd to 500 15
KOLDBRANN Nekrotisk inkvisition 990/999 20
Moribund 578/666 20
KORGONTHURUS / SILBERBACH Salvation through despair 341/500 12
KRATER Das Relikt des Triumphes 106 (/400) 13
KRIEG Rise of the imperial hordes 557/999 16
Sono lo scherno 702/999 16
The black plague 389/666 18
KRIEG / BAEL The church / Bleed for him Picture LP - Ltd to 500 15
KRISTALLNACHT Blooddrenched memorial 1994-2002 Ltd to 500 60
KROHM A world through dead eyes Ltd to 500 15
KULT OV AZAZEL The world, the flesh and the devil Picture LP - Ltd to 500 15
Assaulting the masses 576/666 15
KULT OV AZAZEL / HORDE OF VALERE Through war or suicide Ltd to 500 - Signed 15
LEGION OF DOOM The desecration Ltd to 500 15
LEVIATHAN / ACHERONTAS Sic luceat lux 122/350 25
LEVIATHAN / CREBAIN Split LP Ltd to 500 18
LIK Lekamen illusionen kallet Ltd to 500 18
LJÅ Til avsky for livet 101/500 18
LOITS Ei kahetse midagi Ltd to 500 15
Vere kutse kohustab 84/501 15
LUCIFERI EXCELSI Heiliger Krieg Ltd to 500 10
LUROR The iron hand of blackest terror Picture LP - Ltd to 400 27
MACABRE OMEN The ancient returns 12
MAGOG Artglauben Picture LP 17
MALKUTH Mutus liber Ltd to 300 10
MANIAC BUTCHER Il sangue nero 327/550 15
Live in open hell Ltd to 999 15
MANTICORE For rats and plague Picture LP 17
MARDUK Infernal eternal Picture LP - Ltd to 500 27
Rom 5 : 12 Ltd to 500 60
World funeral Picture LP - Ltd to 1500 17
***MASSACRE From beyond 45
MENNESKERHAT Der Weg zum Galgen Ltd to 400 15
MERRIMACK Of entropy and life denial 17
***METALLICA The 5.98$ EP - The garage days re-revisited Greek press 20
Nothing else matters 8
METALUCIFER Heavy metal drill 25
MOONBLOOD Fullmoon witchery Bootleg - Ltd to 215
MORBID ANGEL ***Domination 50
Unholy blasphemies Pirate 18
Sickness over Europe Pirate 18
MORRIGAN The damned Black LP - Ltd to 400 17
***MOTÖRHEAD Iron fist 12
MUTIILATION Majestas leprosus Ltd to 666 27
Rattenkönig Picture LP 25
Sorrow galaxies Ltd to 1000 25
***MYSTIC CIRCLE Morgenröte Picture LP 17
NACHTFALKE As the wolves died Ltd to 350 18
NACHTMYSTIUM Live Blitzkrieg 345/500 30
The first attacks - Demos 2000-2001 552/666 17
Reign of the malicious Picture LP 25
NAEBLIS Sketches of reality 119/250 15
NAER MATARON River at dash scalding 227/500 17
NAPALM DEATH Christening of the blind Bootleg - Picture LP 15
NARGAROTH Jahreszeiten Black LP 20
NASHEIM Evighet / Undergång 538/999 15
NÅSTROND From a black funeral coffin Ltd to 300 15
NECROFROST Bloodstorms voktes over Hytrunghas dunkle necrotroner 164/500 13
Dark fog hovens near the wooden caves of Aldrakkiian bloodforest 83/500 14
NECROMASS Mysteria mystica zofiriana Black LP - Ltd to 900 15
NME Unholy death Picture LP 15
NOKTURNE Embracer of dark ages 426/666 12
NORDISCHES BLUT Our banners will rise Ltd to 500 10
NYKTALGIA Peisithanatos Black LP - Ltd to 400 27
***OBITUARY Cause of death 40
The end complete 30
OBTEST Tūkstantmetis Picture LP - Ltd to 333 17
Auka seniems dievams Ltd to 333 17
I kartos į kartą Ltd to 499 17
OCTOBER FALLS Tuoni Ltd to 400 17
The streams of the end 18
Marras Ltd to 500 15
ODAL / RAVEN'S EMPIRE Einst verehrt von allen / Vae victis 218/500 18
OLD MAN'S CHILD The historial plague - 1633/2000 60
ONDSKAPT Dödens evangelium 45
ORDER FROM CHAOS Plateau of invincibility 22
PAGAN HELLFIRE / FOLKVANG Firmament eclipse Ltd to 300 15
PAGAN RITES Mark of the devil 031/666 13
PANTHEON Ergriffenheit Ltd to 500 18
***PANX ROMANA Paidia sta opla 12
Antartes poleon 12
PARIA VerminRace 264/500 13
Unchain the unclean Clear LP - Ltd to 100 18
PARIA / PROSATANOS Split LP 153/500 15
PEST (Ger) Vado mori 291 (/350) 15
Pest 15
Tenebris obortis 15
PESTE NOIRE La sanie des siècles - Panégyrique de la dégénérescence 27
PESTNEBEL Der schwarze Tod / In den schwarzen Abgründen der Ewigkeit Ltd to 500 15
PORTAL Seepia Picture LP 20
PREVALENT RESISTANCE To live again and dominate Black LP - Ltd to 400 13
RAATE Sielu, linna 20
***RANCID And out come the wolves 20
RESUSCITATOR Iniciation 12
ROOT Madness of the graves Ltd to 500 18
Capturing Sweden - Live in Falkenberg Ltd to 500 25
***ROTTING CHRIST Thy mighty contract 120
RUINS Chambers of perversion Ltd to 250 13
RUNEMAGICK Requiem of the apocalypse 081/500 15
RUNENBLUT No solution for your life just suicide 333/500 12
***RUNNING WILD Wild animal 18
***SACRED REICH Ignorance 17
SACRIFICIA MORTUORUM Les vents de l'oubli Ltd to 500 17
SACRILEGIOUS IMPALEMENT Sacrilegious impalement 15
SAMAEL Since the creation... - 1330/2000 80
Worship live Bootleg 15
SARGEIST Tyranny returns Ltd to 666 25
Let the devil in Version noire - Ltd to 555 17
SATANIC WARMASTER Carelian satanic madness Ltd to 500 (red vinyl + poster) 60
Black metal kommando Picture LP - 438/1000 45
Of the night Version noire - Ltd to 900 25
Black metal massacre 461/500 45
Nachzehrer 18
Split LP Picture LP 18
SATHANAS Thy dark heavens Black LP - 164/500 13
Entering the diabolic trinity 502/666 13
***SATYRICON Nemesis divina Gatefold ltd to 1000 + poster 250
SEIGNEUR VOLAND Seigneur Voland Picture LP - 013/300 50
***SEPTICEMIA Sabbath conventions 30
***SEPTIC FLESH Mystic places of dawn Picture LP 50
SHINING I - Within deep dark chambers Picture LP - Ltd to 495 18
II - Livets ändhållplats Picture LP - Ltd to 495 18
V - Halmstad Picture LP - Ltd to 495 18
SILBERBACH Inferno Ltd to 350 14
SKITLIV Bloodletting Ltd to 777 15
SLAYER South of heaven 17
Rare tracks vol. 1 Non officiel - Purple - Ltd to 266 17
Songbook of the antichrist (part one) Bootleg 17
SOMBRE CHEMIN Notre héritage ancestral 180/514 15
SORHIN Förbannade år 1993-2001 60
SPEAR OF LONGINUS The yoga of national socialism Black LP - Ltd to 888 30
SUMMONING Sounds of Middle-Earth - Ltd to 1000 90
SURTURS LOHE Vor walvaters thron 147/400 15
SVARTSYN Skinning the lambs Ltd to 1000 30
Timeless reign Black LP - Ltd to 400 45
***SWORDMASTER Postmortem tales 423/1000 12
TAAKE / VIDSYN Lagonector / Men of eight Ltd to 1000 22
TARANIS Taranis 445/500 13
TENEBRAE IN PERPETUUM Antico misticismo 15
***THERION Symphony masses ho drakon ho megas Picture LP - Ltd to 500 45
THE SYRE Duality + patch - Ltd to 50 17
THE TRUE ENDLESS Wings of wrath 053/520 12
A climb to eternity 12
THORNSPAWN Sanctified by Satan's blood Die Hard ltd to 100 - 033/500 20
Blood of the holy, taint thy steel Ltd to 666 13
THOR'S HAMMER Fidelity shall triumph / May the hammer smash the cross Ltd to 500
THRONE OF KATARSIS Unholy holocaustwinds 397/666 15
An eternal dark horizon 20
THRONEUM Mutiny of death Ltd to 300 15
Ceremonial abhorrence & darkness Picture LP - Ltd to 300 15
THUNDERBOLT The burning deed of deceit 468/500 17
TODESSTOSS Beutetrieb schwarzer Witwen / Sehnsucht Black LP - Ltd to 380 18
TOTENBURG Art und Kampf 147/500 15
TOXIC HOLOCAUST Critical mass Picture LP 35
TROLLZORN Deutsche Urgewalt 293/400 15
ULVER Wars of the roses 22
***UNCANNY Splenium for nyctophobia Picture LP 50
UNCREATION'S DAWN Lightning hammer falls 15
URGEHAL Goatcraft torment Ltd to 666 15
The eternal eclipse - 15 years of satanic black metal Ltd to 666 15
Rise of the monument Picture LP - Ltd to 500 15
URUK-HAI / MOLOCH Iron age Ltd to 500 12
***VADER Reborn in chaos Picture LP 55
VELES / LEGION Blood on my knife 529/666 20
***VENOM Possessed
Black metal
VERIVALA Kalliolle, kukkulalle Black LP - Ltd to 300 15
VERMETH Suicide or be killed ! 12
VICTIMIZER Unholy banners of Victimizer 15
VINTERRIKET Landschaften ewiger Einsamkeit 076/500 15
V White LP - Ltd to 100 20
VORDR / BONE AWL / HAMMER / VOLKURAH Vinland - Finland Ltd to 500 35
VROLOK / EMIT Pestilence 1440 / The divine eye Picture LP 15
WATAIN Casus Luciferi Picture LP - Ltd to 999 25
***WHIPLASH Power and pain 45
WOLFNACHT Zeit der Cherusker Ltd to 500 15
WOLFSSCHREI Feasting my hatred 226/328 14
Torture of a human soul 291/300 14
WOLFSWINTER Nordal 006/350 12
WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM Malevolent grain Picture LP - Ltd to 700 22
Black cascade Double picture LP 25
WOODS OF INFINITY Hopplös väntan Black LP - Ltd to 350 17
WOODTEMPLE Feel the anger of the wind 430/666 15
WYRD Heathen Grey LP - Ltd to 300 15
Huldrafolk Green & black LP - Ltd to 250 15
XASTHUR Xasthur Ltd to 500
ZEMIAL In monumentum Picture LP - Ltd to 500 50
Prices are in euro and don't include postage.
Some items are without price: that means i have to check the edition / condition of the LP.
Prices are indicative: if they seem too high, just make an offer, we'll try to work something out.
Postage prices:
small package (under 2 kg) / economy (NOT registered):
0-500g = 5
501-1000g = 7 EU ; 9 Rest of world
1001-2000g = 9 EU ; 13,50 Rest of world
Payment: cash in a (registered) letter is preferred. Paypal is possible but of course with supplementary fees.
Feel free to ask any question (condition, color of the LP, label, pics...)
Items marked with *** are not stored at my home but at my parents'. Thus i am NOT able to take pics of them before july 4th.
I may be slow to answer BUT every message will get an answer.
ABIGAIL Ultimate unholy death 12
Sweet baby metal slut 12
ABIGAIL / BARBATOS Sexual metal holocaust Black LP - Ltd to 800 15
ABIGAIL / KORIHOR Alcoholik metal blasphemers 315/500 12
ABIGAIL / MORRIGAN A celtic / japanese alliance 12
ABIGAIL / WITCHBURNER Split LP Picture LP - 212/500 20
ABIGOR Nachthymnen (from the twilight kingdom) 17
Verwüstung / Invoke the dark age 17
Fractal possession 15
ABSU The sun of Tiphareth Picture LP - Ltd to 500 20
The third storm of Cythraul Picture LP - Ltd to 500 20
ABSURD Blutgericht 30
ABSURD / GRAND BELIAL'S KEY / SIGRBLOT Weltenfeind Black LP - Ltd to 300 60
ABSURD / PANTHEON Wolfskrieger / Galdur Vikodlaks 30
ACHERON Xomaly 12
AGALLOCH / NEST The wolves of Timberline / Last vestige of old joy Picture LP - 912/1000 50
ALTAR OF PERVERSION Adgnosco veteris vestigio flammae 40
AMORPHIS ***The karelian isthmus Picture LP 60
***Tales from the thousand lakes Picture LP 60
AMPÜTATOR Intolerance deathsquads Ltd to 500 12
ANAL BLASPHEMY Bestial black metal filth Black LP - Ltd to 400 12
ANGANTYR Endeløs / Nordens stolte krigere 12
ANGANTYR / NASHEIM Split LP 207/666 13
ANWYL Postmortem apocalypse Ltd to 500 10
ARCKANUM The 11 year anniversary album Ltd to 1000 40
Trulen Ltd to 666 30
ARGHOSLENT Incorrigible bigotry Ltd to 500 30
Arsenal of glory 038 (/400) 30
Hornets of the pogrom n°276 25
ARGHOSLENT / MARTIAL BARRAGE Send forth the best ye breed 192/500 25
ARKHA SVA Mikama isaro mada 332 (/500) 20
ARKHA SVA / BLACK STENCH Split LP Ltd to 500 35
ARKHA SVA / SACRIFICIA MORTUORUM / LUGUBRUM Nécromancie Outrancière & Irresponsabilité Religieuse Clear LP - Ltd to 100 30
ARKONA Zeta reticuli - A tale about hatred and total enslavement 020/500 25
ARMAGEDDA Echoes in eternity Ltd to 500 15
ARMAGGEDON Kill yourself or die Picture LP - Ltd to 333 15
Imperium wird durch das Blut wieder aufleben Black LP - Ltd to 300 15
ARMAGGEDON / BESATT / MISANTHROPY / INNER HELVETE Conquering the world with true black metal war 067/500 25
ASKE (Ger) R.I.P. 419/444 10
ASTROFAES Heritage 428/500 15
ATOMIZER Death - Mutation - Disease - Annihilation Picture LP 15
The only weapon of choice - 13 odes to power, decimation and conquest Ltd to 666 15
The death of forever Picture LP 20
Atomic bloodlust - Live 2003 15
AZAGHAL Of beasts and vultures Ltd to 500 25
Codex antitheus Ltd to 500 25
AZAGHAL / BLACK DEATH RITUAL Neljä vihan vasaraa / Four hammers of hate Ltd to 800 25
AZAGHAL / KRIEG Split LP 628/666 25
***BAD RELIGION 21st century (digital boy) Picture LP 12
BAPTISM Evil mysteries Ltd to 1000 30
BARASTIR / UGLUK Under the banner of hate / Hveralundr Black LP - Ltd to 250 15
BARBATOS Razor leather live ! First press - 173/200 15
Razor leather live ! Second press - 192/200 15
BARBATOS / BLIZZARD United metal punks Ltd to 1000 15
BATHORY Jubileum vol. 1 35
Blood fire death
Destroyer of worlds Picture LP 20
BEASTCRAFT Into the burning pit of hell Ltd to 400 12
BEHEMOTH ***The return of the northern moon Ltd to 500 50
Conjuration 15
Demonica Ltd to 525 17
BEHEXEN My soul for his glory Ltd to 1000 30
BEKHIRA L'élu du mal Ltd to 666 15
BELENOS Chemins de souffrance 131/300 20
BELPHEGOR Goatreich - Fleshcult Ltd to 1000 15
Bondage goat zombie Red LP - 0656 (/1000) 15
BESATT In nomine Satanas Ltd to 500 12
BESTIAL MOCKERY Slaying the life Picture LP 15
Gospel of the insane Ltd to 500 15
BESTIAL MOCKERY / UNHOLY MASSACRE Eve of the bestial massacre 086/500 10
BILSKIRNIR Hyperborea Ltd to 500 25
BLACK CIRCLE Behold my visions and wisdom 12
BLACK CRUCIFIXION Promethean gift 15
Satanic Zeitgeist - Live 23th of august 1991 Ltd to 500 15
BLACK FUNERAL Az-I-Dahak Ltd to 500 12
Belial arisen Ltd to 500 12
BLASPHEMOPHAGHER For chaos, obscurity and desolation Die Hard 25
BLESSED IN SIN Honour the anus of Mary 172/500 20
BLODSRIT Hinterland ???/500 15
The well of light has finally dried ???/500 15
BLOODHAMMER / RIDE FOR REVENGE Chords of the left hand 18
BLOOD RED FOG / FUNERARY BELL Split LP Black LP - Ltd to 300 15
BLUTSCHREI The voice of forbidden pride Black LP - Ltd to 400 12
BONE AWL Not for our feet 15
Meaningless leaning mess Black LP - Ltd to ???? 15
BURZUM Demo 1 Bootleg 30
Daudi baldrs
Fallen Clear LP - Ltd to 3000 25
CAEDES Blood, war, perversion Ltd to 350 12
CAÏNA The heart of the master 15
CARPATHIAN FOREST Skjend hans lik 15
CELESTIA Frigidiis apotheosia : abstinencia genesiis n°226 15
CENTINEX Decadence - Prophecies of cosmic chaos 281/666 12
Diabolical desolation 12
CIRCLE OF OUROBORUS / SOMNIVORE Golden blood Ltd to 300 17
CORPUS CHRISTII Lost chapters 12
CRADLE OF FILTH Vempire or dark faerytales in phallustein 35
CRYFEMAL Apotheosis oculta Colored LP - Ltd to 100 20
DAEMONLORD The end of the era 382/500 12
DARKESTRAH Embrace of memory 82/300 13
The way to paganism 096/300 13
***DARKTHRONE A blaze in the northern sky Brazilian Press 30
***DARK TRANQUILLITY The gallery Red LP - Ltd to 300 75
DAUDUR Daudur 094/500 10
DEAD RAVEN CHOIR My firstborn will surely be blind Ltd to 300 17
DEATH ***Symbolic 75
The final gigs Bootleg 18
DEATHSPELL OMEGA Fas - Ite, maledicti, in ignem aeternum 27
Kenôse 30
Paracletus 22
DECAYED The book of darkness Ltd to 500 15
Demon blade Ltd to 500 20
Resurrectîónem mortuórum 136/333 15
DECAYED / URN The nameless wraith / Morbid death Ltd to 666 12
DEFUNTOS Nada é eterno 121/500 15
***DEICIDE Deicide 40
DENIAL OF GOD The horrors of Satan Picture LP - Ltd to 500 25
DEN SAAKALDTE Øl, mørke og depresjon Ltd to 500 20
DER STÜRMER Carelian pagan madness Ltd to 500 30
DER STÜRMER / TOTENBURG Civis pacem para bellum 15
DESASTER 20 years of total desaster Ltd to 666 50
DESOLATION TRIUMPHALIS Forever bound to nothingness Black LP - Ltd to 400 15
***DESTRUCTION Sentence of death 35
DEVASTATOR The summoning Picture LP - Ltd to 300 13
DEVILRY Stormbolt Ltd to 500 12
Rites for the spring of supremacy 12
DIABOLI The antichrist Ltd to 500 15
DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER All you need is love 15
DIE SAAT Niedergang 315/500 12
DIMMU BORGIR For all tid Ltd to 1000
Stormblast Picture LP - Ltd to 1000 40
Death cult armaggedon 20
DISSECTION ***Storm of the light's bane Picture LP - Ltd to 500 80
The somberlain Double LP - Ltd to 2000 60
Reinkaos 25
DODHEIMSGARD Satanic art MCMXCVIII Bootleg - 118/200 17
DODSFERD Fucking your creation Picture LP - Ltd to 500 15
DRAUGSANG / MÖRKER Seil på skyggans hav / Den sista utfärden 266/500 12
DRAUGWATH Dwellers of the cursed forest Ltd to 500 10
DROWNING THE LIGHT The blood of the ancients Ltd to 666 20
A world long dead 244/333 40
A pact with madness Ltd to 1000 20
A pact with madness Version Die Hard + pin - 198/222 40
The weeping moon Ltd to 666 15
The weeping moon Clear LP - 5/150 35
The fading rays of the sun Purple LP - Ltd to 150 35
The fading rays of the sun Black LP - Ltd to 516 17
The serpents reign Picture LP - 268/300 30
To the end of time Picture LP - 198/300 30
Flames of sacrifice 114/300
Land of the dead sun Black LP - Ltd to 400 17
DROWNING THE LIGHT / CIRCLE OF OUROBORUS Moonflares Black LP - Ltd to 400 17
DROWNING THE LIGHT / EMPIRE OF THARAPHITA Path of the old lunar cult empire Ltd to 666 20
DRUDKH Estrangement
Songs of grief and solitude Ltd to 500
Anti-urban 312/999 25
DUB BUK Ruś ponad use ! Ltd to 500 18
Misyac pomsty Ltd to 500 18
Eight Acts of Origin 43/488 25
ELITE Kampen Ltd to 500 17
ELJUDNER Daudningekvider 252/500 12
EMPEROR Anthems to the welkin at dusk Rerelease (Back on Black) 12
EMPTY The house of funerary hymns 12
EMPTY / ANIMUS MORTIS Invocations from the innominate void Ltd to 500 13
ENDSTILLE Endstilles Reich 18
Navigator Ltd to 300 18
ENSHADOWED Messengers of the darkest dawn Black LP - 157 (/350) 15
***ENTOMBED Left hand path 50
Clandestine Embossed sleeve 50
ETERNAL MAJESTY From war to darkness Picture LP - Ltd to 500 12
EWIGES REICH Ewiges Reich 374/500 16
Thron aus Eis 16
***EXODUS Fabulous disaster 17
***FALKENBACH En their medh riki fara Ltd to 500 65
***FLAMES Last prophecy 25
Greatest hits 20
FOREFATHER Deep into time Ltd to 500 20
FROSTKRIEG Das astrale Fenster Ltd to 400 15
FUNERAL FOG Under the black veil Black LP - Ltd to 400 - 181/500 12
GASZIMMER Dominazione di eternità 111/333 12
GAUNTLET'S SWORD Theosophy 016/333 - Blue LP - Ltd to 100 15
GLORIOR BELLI / CREEPING Rites of spiritual death Ltd to 300 15
***GOD DETHRONED The Christhunt Picture LP 20
GORATH Elite 12
GORGOROTH Pentagram First press (Agonia) - Ltd to 1000 20
Antichrist First press (Agonia) - Ltd to 1000 20
Under the sign of hell Rerelease (Back on Black) 20
Incipit Satan Rerelease (Back on Black) 15
Twilight of the idols (In conspiracy with Satan) Rerelease (Back on Black) 15
GOSPEL OF THE HORNS The satanist's dream Picture LP 22
GRAVE Morbid ways to die - 0684/2000 65
GRAVELAND Will stronger than death 20
The fire of awakening 20
Drunemeton Version Die Hard + patch - Ltd to 100 30
Wotan mit mir Red LP - Ltd to 300 - 795/900 20
In the glare of burning churches 581/666 20
The celtic winter 477/666 20
Spears of heaven / Cold winter blades Black LP 25
GRAVEWÜRM Ancient storms of war Black LP - Ltd to 400 12
Blood of the pentagram Ltd to 100 18
HAEMOTH Kontamination 12
HAGALAZ' RUNEDANCE Frigga's web 12
HALGADOM Sturmwoge 157/400 15
HATE FOREST To twilight thickets 160/388 25
HATI Tauer, Krieg, Verzweiflung und Hass Ltd to 500 15
HAVOHEJ Hornbook Seytan Black LP 15
HEIDEVOLK Walhalla wacht Green LP - Ltd to 150 20
HELHEIM Nidr ok nordr liggr helvegr Ltd to 1000 15
HELLIAS Noc potepienia 12
HELLSAW Spiritual twilight Ltd to 500 10
HERETIC Devilworshipper 213/300 17
HETROERTZEN Flying across the misty gardens 313/500 17
HIRAX Blasted in Bangkok
Barrage of noise 12
HOATH Kodex II: Kether 175/583 15
HOLY DEATH The knight, death and the devil Black LP - Ltd to 400 12
HORNA Envaatnags eflos solf esgantaavne Ltd - Double LP 55
Pimeyden hehku Ltd to 500 35
Kohti yhdeksän nousua Ltd to 500 30
Ääniä yössä Ltd to 1000 20
HORNA / KERBEROS Goatfucking Gent / Vivicomburium MMIV a.b. 587/738 25
***HYPOCRISY Abducted 45
HYPOTHERMIA Rakbladsvalsen Ltd to 500 25
Gråtoner Version noire - Ltd to 800 25
HYPOTHERMIA / DIMHYMN Sjuklig intention 25
IGNIVOMOUS Death transmutation Picture LP 20
IMMORTAL ***Diabolical fullmoon mysticism 90
Damned in black Red & black LP - Ltd to 200 30
***IMPALED NAZARENE Tol cormpt norz norz norz 60
Rapture 1011/1000 30
***IMPENDING DOOM Caedes sacrilegae 244/500 30
IMPIETY Formidonis nex cultus Black LP - Ltd to 400 25
Worshippers of the seventh tyranny Splatter LP - Ltd to 516 20
IMPIOUS HAVOC At the ruins of the holy kingdom Ltd to 500 12
Dawn of nothing 078/500 12
INCRIMINATED Hypocricide 381/400 15
Death nöize 15
INFERNO V návratu pohanstvi 060/300 20
INFERNO / TUNDRA Infernal belief 12
INFINITY The arcane wisdom of shadows Ltd to 666 13
INKISITOR / S.V.E.S.T. Split EP 25
IRON MAIDEN ***Aces high Picture LP
***Fear of the dark -live- Shape Picture LP - 2349/10000 27
***The wicker man (version maxi LP) Picture LP 20
***The number of the beast (version maxi LP) Picture LP
A matter of life and death Double picture LP 30
The final frontier Double picture LP 30
IRON YOUTH Faith is stronger than fire 187/550 18
Dürch das Volk - Mit dem Volk - Für das Volk 185/300 20
Respect / Defend / Create 158/300 20
KAMPFAR ***Fra underverdene Ltd to 500 45
Mellom skogkledde aaset 237/500 18
Kvass 218/800 17
KATHAARIAN Cryptic temples of the ancient cult Ltd to 300 12
KHORS Cold Ltd to 500 15
KOLDBRANN Nekrotisk inkvisition 990/999 20
Moribund 578/666 20
KORGONTHURUS / SILBERBACH Salvation through despair 341/500 12
KRATER Das Relikt des Triumphes 106 (/400) 13
KRIEG Rise of the imperial hordes 557/999 16
Sono lo scherno 702/999 16
The black plague 389/666 18
KRIEG / BAEL The church / Bleed for him Picture LP - Ltd to 500 15
KRISTALLNACHT Blooddrenched memorial 1994-2002 Ltd to 500 60
KROHM A world through dead eyes Ltd to 500 15
KULT OV AZAZEL The world, the flesh and the devil Picture LP - Ltd to 500 15
Assaulting the masses 576/666 15
KULT OV AZAZEL / HORDE OF VALERE Through war or suicide Ltd to 500 - Signed 15
LEGION OF DOOM The desecration Ltd to 500 15
LEVIATHAN / ACHERONTAS Sic luceat lux 122/350 25
LEVIATHAN / CREBAIN Split LP Ltd to 500 18
LIK Lekamen illusionen kallet Ltd to 500 18
LJÅ Til avsky for livet 101/500 18
LOITS Ei kahetse midagi Ltd to 500 15
Vere kutse kohustab 84/501 15
LUCIFERI EXCELSI Heiliger Krieg Ltd to 500 10
LUROR The iron hand of blackest terror Picture LP - Ltd to 400 27
MACABRE OMEN The ancient returns 12
MAGOG Artglauben Picture LP 17
MALKUTH Mutus liber Ltd to 300 10
MANIAC BUTCHER Il sangue nero 327/550 15
Live in open hell Ltd to 999 15
MANTICORE For rats and plague Picture LP 17
MARDUK Infernal eternal Picture LP - Ltd to 500 27
Rom 5 : 12 Ltd to 500 60
World funeral Picture LP - Ltd to 1500 17
***MASSACRE From beyond 45
MENNESKERHAT Der Weg zum Galgen Ltd to 400 15
MERRIMACK Of entropy and life denial 17
***METALLICA The 5.98$ EP - The garage days re-revisited Greek press 20
Nothing else matters 8
METALUCIFER Heavy metal drill 25
MOONBLOOD Fullmoon witchery Bootleg - Ltd to 215
MORBID ANGEL ***Domination 50
Unholy blasphemies Pirate 18
Sickness over Europe Pirate 18
MORRIGAN The damned Black LP - Ltd to 400 17
***MOTÖRHEAD Iron fist 12
MUTIILATION Majestas leprosus Ltd to 666 27
Rattenkönig Picture LP 25
Sorrow galaxies Ltd to 1000 25
***MYSTIC CIRCLE Morgenröte Picture LP 17
NACHTFALKE As the wolves died Ltd to 350 18
NACHTMYSTIUM Live Blitzkrieg 345/500 30
The first attacks - Demos 2000-2001 552/666 17
Reign of the malicious Picture LP 25
NAEBLIS Sketches of reality 119/250 15
NAER MATARON River at dash scalding 227/500 17
NAPALM DEATH Christening of the blind Bootleg - Picture LP 15
NARGAROTH Jahreszeiten Black LP 20
NASHEIM Evighet / Undergång 538/999 15
NÅSTROND From a black funeral coffin Ltd to 300 15
NECROFROST Bloodstorms voktes over Hytrunghas dunkle necrotroner 164/500 13
Dark fog hovens near the wooden caves of Aldrakkiian bloodforest 83/500 14
NECROMASS Mysteria mystica zofiriana Black LP - Ltd to 900 15
NME Unholy death Picture LP 15
NOKTURNE Embracer of dark ages 426/666 12
NORDISCHES BLUT Our banners will rise Ltd to 500 10
NYKTALGIA Peisithanatos Black LP - Ltd to 400 27
***OBITUARY Cause of death 40
The end complete 30
OBTEST Tūkstantmetis Picture LP - Ltd to 333 17
Auka seniems dievams Ltd to 333 17
I kartos į kartą Ltd to 499 17
OCTOBER FALLS Tuoni Ltd to 400 17
The streams of the end 18
Marras Ltd to 500 15
ODAL / RAVEN'S EMPIRE Einst verehrt von allen / Vae victis 218/500 18
OLD MAN'S CHILD The historial plague - 1633/2000 60
ONDSKAPT Dödens evangelium 45
ORDER FROM CHAOS Plateau of invincibility 22
PAGAN HELLFIRE / FOLKVANG Firmament eclipse Ltd to 300 15
PAGAN RITES Mark of the devil 031/666 13
PANTHEON Ergriffenheit Ltd to 500 18
***PANX ROMANA Paidia sta opla 12
Antartes poleon 12
PARIA VerminRace 264/500 13
Unchain the unclean Clear LP - Ltd to 100 18
PARIA / PROSATANOS Split LP 153/500 15
PEST (Ger) Vado mori 291 (/350) 15
Pest 15
Tenebris obortis 15
PESTE NOIRE La sanie des siècles - Panégyrique de la dégénérescence 27
PESTNEBEL Der schwarze Tod / In den schwarzen Abgründen der Ewigkeit Ltd to 500 15
PORTAL Seepia Picture LP 20
PREVALENT RESISTANCE To live again and dominate Black LP - Ltd to 400 13
RAATE Sielu, linna 20
***RANCID And out come the wolves 20
RESUSCITATOR Iniciation 12
ROOT Madness of the graves Ltd to 500 18
Capturing Sweden - Live in Falkenberg Ltd to 500 25
***ROTTING CHRIST Thy mighty contract 120
RUINS Chambers of perversion Ltd to 250 13
RUNEMAGICK Requiem of the apocalypse 081/500 15
RUNENBLUT No solution for your life just suicide 333/500 12
***RUNNING WILD Wild animal 18
***SACRED REICH Ignorance 17
SACRIFICIA MORTUORUM Les vents de l'oubli Ltd to 500 17
SACRILEGIOUS IMPALEMENT Sacrilegious impalement 15
SAMAEL Since the creation... - 1330/2000 80
Worship live Bootleg 15
SARGEIST Tyranny returns Ltd to 666 25
Let the devil in Version noire - Ltd to 555 17
SATANIC WARMASTER Carelian satanic madness Ltd to 500 (red vinyl + poster) 60
Black metal kommando Picture LP - 438/1000 45
Of the night Version noire - Ltd to 900 25
Black metal massacre 461/500 45
Nachzehrer 18
Split LP Picture LP 18
SATHANAS Thy dark heavens Black LP - 164/500 13
Entering the diabolic trinity 502/666 13
***SATYRICON Nemesis divina Gatefold ltd to 1000 + poster 250
SEIGNEUR VOLAND Seigneur Voland Picture LP - 013/300 50
***SEPTICEMIA Sabbath conventions 30
***SEPTIC FLESH Mystic places of dawn Picture LP 50
SHINING I - Within deep dark chambers Picture LP - Ltd to 495 18
II - Livets ändhållplats Picture LP - Ltd to 495 18
V - Halmstad Picture LP - Ltd to 495 18
SILBERBACH Inferno Ltd to 350 14
SKITLIV Bloodletting Ltd to 777 15
SLAYER South of heaven 17
Rare tracks vol. 1 Non officiel - Purple - Ltd to 266 17
Songbook of the antichrist (part one) Bootleg 17
SOMBRE CHEMIN Notre héritage ancestral 180/514 15
SORHIN Förbannade år 1993-2001 60
SPEAR OF LONGINUS The yoga of national socialism Black LP - Ltd to 888 30
SUMMONING Sounds of Middle-Earth - Ltd to 1000 90
SURTURS LOHE Vor walvaters thron 147/400 15
SVARTSYN Skinning the lambs Ltd to 1000 30
Timeless reign Black LP - Ltd to 400 45
***SWORDMASTER Postmortem tales 423/1000 12
TAAKE / VIDSYN Lagonector / Men of eight Ltd to 1000 22
TARANIS Taranis 445/500 13
TENEBRAE IN PERPETUUM Antico misticismo 15
***THERION Symphony masses ho drakon ho megas Picture LP - Ltd to 500 45
THE SYRE Duality + patch - Ltd to 50 17
THE TRUE ENDLESS Wings of wrath 053/520 12
A climb to eternity 12
THORNSPAWN Sanctified by Satan's blood Die Hard ltd to 100 - 033/500 20
Blood of the holy, taint thy steel Ltd to 666 13
THOR'S HAMMER Fidelity shall triumph / May the hammer smash the cross Ltd to 500
THRONE OF KATARSIS Unholy holocaustwinds 397/666 15
An eternal dark horizon 20
THRONEUM Mutiny of death Ltd to 300 15
Ceremonial abhorrence & darkness Picture LP - Ltd to 300 15
THUNDERBOLT The burning deed of deceit 468/500 17
TODESSTOSS Beutetrieb schwarzer Witwen / Sehnsucht Black LP - Ltd to 380 18
TOTENBURG Art und Kampf 147/500 15
TOXIC HOLOCAUST Critical mass Picture LP 35
TROLLZORN Deutsche Urgewalt 293/400 15
ULVER Wars of the roses 22
***UNCANNY Splenium for nyctophobia Picture LP 50
UNCREATION'S DAWN Lightning hammer falls 15
URGEHAL Goatcraft torment Ltd to 666 15
The eternal eclipse - 15 years of satanic black metal Ltd to 666 15
Rise of the monument Picture LP - Ltd to 500 15
URUK-HAI / MOLOCH Iron age Ltd to 500 12
***VADER Reborn in chaos Picture LP 55
VELES / LEGION Blood on my knife 529/666 20
***VENOM Possessed
Black metal
VERIVALA Kalliolle, kukkulalle Black LP - Ltd to 300 15
VERMETH Suicide or be killed ! 12
VICTIMIZER Unholy banners of Victimizer 15
VINTERRIKET Landschaften ewiger Einsamkeit 076/500 15
V White LP - Ltd to 100 20
VORDR / BONE AWL / HAMMER / VOLKURAH Vinland - Finland Ltd to 500 35
VROLOK / EMIT Pestilence 1440 / The divine eye Picture LP 15
WATAIN Casus Luciferi Picture LP - Ltd to 999 25
***WHIPLASH Power and pain 45
WOLFNACHT Zeit der Cherusker Ltd to 500 15
WOLFSSCHREI Feasting my hatred 226/328 14
Torture of a human soul 291/300 14
WOLFSWINTER Nordal 006/350 12
WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM Malevolent grain Picture LP - Ltd to 700 22
Black cascade Double picture LP 25
WOODS OF INFINITY Hopplös väntan Black LP - Ltd to 350 17
WOODTEMPLE Feel the anger of the wind 430/666 15
WYRD Heathen Grey LP - Ltd to 300 15
Huldrafolk Green & black LP - Ltd to 250 15
XASTHUR Xasthur Ltd to 500
ZEMIAL In monumentum Picture LP - Ltd to 500 50