Selling my Caparison...

cobhc said:
If anyone off here buys this, and is thinking of using the Duncans, can I take those caparison pickups off your hands? :p

The PH-R in the bridge is somewhat similar to a JB, but it's got a really unique sound. It's not super high output, but it sounds nice and clear for high gain stuff.
Mark_Palangio said:
The PH-R in the bridge is somewhat similar to a JB, but it's got a really unique sound. It's not super high output, but it sounds nice and clear for high gain stuff.

Yeah, are these pickups similar to what Evergrey has in their Horus models?
Nebulous said:
That price is pretty much what they're worth brand new right? I know its rare and all, but do think you'll get much interest with such a high starting price?

my guess it will be fine. its hard to find a caparison in the us unless you want to wait a while for one. i know people that would snag it at that price in a heartbeat if they didnt already just buy other ones.
Fair enough.
Since we're on the topic of Caparisons, what does the Horus play like? I've heard it's a bit similar to a Jackson Soloist..? They're really nice looking guitars, but living in Oz i've never actually played one, and have only seen one being used once, which was the other night when I went to see Madamusos' band, Eyefear. Unfortunately I don't know the guy personally so i didnt really want to ask to play it haha.
Nebulous said:
That price is pretty much what they're worth brand new right? I know its rare and all, but do think you'll get much interest with such a high starting price?

A standard Apple Horn model is about $2300, and the Apple Horn HGS model is $2700. There is only one US dealer too, and they don't really like to charge anything less than their asking price.
cobhc said:
Yeah, are these pickups similar to what Evergrey has in their Horus models?

I'm not sure which bridge pickups they use, but the neck pickups are different. I think they use the SH-27F pickups in the neck, which is very similar to a Duncan Hot Rail. They either use the PH-R or BH-IIR in the bridge I believe, but I'm not positive.
Familia><Publica said:
Still havent explained why youre selling it? If its so great, why sell it? If its so rare, why sell it?

Well, I'm selling it because it's worth a lot of money, and I have some other stuff I need to get, plus I need some extra money to live on while I'm at college in a different state.
Nebulous said:
Fair enough.
Since we're on the topic of Caparisons, what does the Horus play like? I've heard it's a bit similar to a Jackson Soloist..? They're really nice looking guitars, but living in Oz i've never actually played one, and have only seen one being used once, which was the other night when I went to see Madamusos' band, Eyefear. Unfortunately I don't know the guy personally so i didnt really want to ask to play it haha.

Every Caparison I've played has been way better than every USA Jackson I've played. The necks are way more comfortable, unfinished and smooth. Actually the neck is thicker than you would expect as well. It's not Gibson thick, but it's not Ibanez thin, somewhere in the middle, I think they're perfect. Also, most Jackson guitars are alder, which I hate. Caparisons are mahogany, which sound way better for metal IMO.
neverpurify said:
one of the things I really like about this forum is the lack of spam threads.

Like I said, I didn't know if we were allowed to post SPAM or not. I've never posted anything else for sale here, and if Andy doesn't want it here, then I have no problem with him getting rid of it.
I don't think it's a matter of doing what is or isn't allowed. I think of it more as a courtesy. I like to think that this forum is a few steps up from the HCAF.