selling your music online - mp3/wave shops


Dec 7, 2008
not sure where to post this, but i think this might be of interest for everyone here. otherwise please move to the equipment forums. thanks.

what do you guys use to sell your music (mp3s, cds, merch) online?

im thinking about paying for a webshop (15$ a month),
including all the file handling and stuff. this way we'd have full control...
but im also thinking about using existing communities,like soundclick, reverbnation to sell our stuff there?

im not sure whats the best way to do it, i ask myself what does attract more people? a private/personal bandpage or the good old itunes, amazon way (where you get only 40% of the money)

so any hint, tip, idea is highly appreciated! thanks guys!
I use Tunecore to put stuff on iTunes/amazon/whatever, and then sell it for about 20% less on a bandpage - bandpage charges 15%, half of what iTunes will via bandcamp, and you get paid instantly, so it's great to just hand people a link to that. If they'd rather buy it on iTunes because of gift cards, already having an account setup, etc etc etc... it'll be there and be easy for them.

Who's quoting you 40% for iTunes/amazon/etc? That's insane - use Tunecore and you keep 70%.
I use CDbaby for my band. It's pretty good cause they cover a wide range of online websites selling mp3s and include iTunes too (besides just selling physical copies) Their reports are pretty elaborate, and it costs around 20-30 bucks last time i checked to set up the whole thing (plus 35$ barcode fee if you don't already have one printed on your CD)