Semi-busted 5150 -- help?


May 3, 2006
So I got a little over-ambitious loading gear on stage last night, and basically I dropped my 5150 head on the floor of this club. Much to my amazement, the amp still works. But the front part of the amp (the wood part with the 5150 logo and metal grate on it) broke off.

Anyone have any idea how to fix something like that? Normally I'd just get some wood glue and be done with it, but I know this amp is kind of valuable, and I don't want to devalue it too much by fixing it in a retarded way. Thanks guys.
I know this amp is kind of valuable, and I don't want to devalue it too much by fixing it in a retarded way. Thanks guys.

Aren't these amps going stupidly cheap second hand now days?
If you're worried about resale (ie, getting the average price for it), fix it so that you can't see the repair, and for your own peice of mind, maybe even try fixing it to a better than original standard.
Haha, yeah, I'm with Neb on this, the market is so flooded with 5150s I doubt it'll be a "collector's item" any time soon :lol: (even if it's one of those fabled "block letters")
Not to be taken the wrong way, I meant that with all sincerity, the amp is great and worth every dollar spent on it. It's value lies in it's now classic tone, though, rather than the resale value.
hang on a sec, ive found the complete opposite in the UK. 5150's are fetching up to £600 2nd hand on ebay, thats the brand new price of a 6505! Maybe they are more easy to get hold of in the US :)
Yes they are super easy to get a hold of in the US. Every time I see one of you guys talk on here about how much you pay for them outside America my jaw drops. The whole reason I bought mine was because it was cheap (the price not tone).

For the dude with the broken amp body I say don't stress out if you can't make your repairs look perferct. Because you shouldn't ever sell off the amp since they sound cool and as stated already you will probally not get much money out of a used 5150.
It is the block letter version, which is why I was thinking about the "value" of it. But I took a quick look at eBay, and yeah, those things go for even less now than I paid for mine. Plus, I'd probably never sell it anyways because it sounds too damn good.

Wood glue it is, then. Thanks guys.