semi raw black metal in the vein of wolves in the throne room


Aug 4, 2009
Ireland - Denmark
Would love to get some feedback on this.. this is not your typical polished modern sound, so I guess this is not for everyone.

We did this recording ourself (im in the band) and sadly the other band members dident really wanna let me do this recording totally my way (had to give them a big speech just to convince them that is was okay to pan the two guitars hard left and right:loco:), so the track were far from perfect (not lots of time placing mics, not really willing to play to click, sketchy amps and so on).

But I gave it my best to turn this into something decent.

let me know what you think :).
(Ahh cant wait to work with a band im not involed with where I can take complete control and do things my way hehe:saint:)
I think this sounds good for the style, but looking to add something, I think the guitars might be a little too brittle on the high end, even more than what you would expect from this style. Also, maybe some more delay or reverb on the vocal, I think these types of vocals should be swimming in delay or reverb to add to the vibe.
demirichris, thanks alot for the feedback.. I uploaded a new mix with more wet vocals :kickass:

MetalAaron, thank you very much, glad you liked it.. will be sure to tell our vocalist that you liked his vocals:saint: