Sence of Family?


Capsicum Slave
Feb 19, 2003
The Land of TAXES [SWE]
Visit site
Anybody else find themselves checking onto this site to see how the other "idiots" are doing/thinking/posting. Been with the same crowd of sexually frustrated apes for a year and a half and I must say I am hooked. Go figure? Sence of Family? I would say so, I mean there is enough sibling bitching hitting the spot for sure! Anyone else have this feeling?

*note the edit? F...... english grammar*
i think community better describes it. its a group of people with the same interests and views, of cource you want to come back. thats human nature. it just happens we (generally) are a different type of community from most others. we're the "weird kids" in the back of the class room with the headphones who seem to dislike everyone (i myself, think this is untrue.) we are of a different breed. WE ARE METAL DAMMIT!!!! love us or leave us, but we're people nonetheless.
What is it with you "idiots" and 'C's ahh!!
I come home tired, open up the CoB forum page and this is what I have to put up with?!!!
It's "Sense" you imbecile!!
*beats the shit out of mammoth in front of the kids*

Dilema, it's "Of course"!! with an "S", you good for nothing degenerate! I'm sick of your shit! I'm going out drinking with my buddies again!
And don't you fucking give me shit about it!
Don't make me grab the belt!
*Takes a sip of a 40-oz beer and walks out, slamming the door*

how's that for a sense of family
eat my ass with a spoon. you grab your belt, and ill be comin at ya with a chainsaw blade and a claw hammer thatll make you BEG for the shotgun just to end your suffering, fucktard. dont give me shit because i dont care about those them there grammer things. for someone who uses words that dont even contain letters youre not one to talk. good, go drinking....YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LIVE FOR!!!!!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


there is something about this shit mr Mammuth, really, I find myself opening this page more often than any other but it seems that heres something that keeps me doing it. Dunno, the comunity, the news, rumors, jokes, dunno
MagSec4 said:
I come home tired, open up the CoB forum page and this is what I have to put up with?!!!

how's that for a sense of family

*runs for cover*
Sen(s)e of Community is what I was looking for! I guess it is the humor that does it for me and of course the fatherly verbal beatings dished out by Magsec our grammar coach! :lol:

@Bodomic its Mammoth with an o, don't let Mag catch you misspelling! :D
I come back around due to just liking to meet fellow metalheads, trading bands with them, getting turned onto new stuff, turning others onto new stuff and of course on this board discussing Bodom and the like. (Or absolutely crazy stuff in off topic. :D) To me, i have a strong sense of family with my fellow metalheads. Call me a little cheezy here but I consider fellow metalheads my brothers and sisters(ok, the ones who aren't assholes at least :D) and treat them accordingly. As in I'm there for 'em whether they need a ticket to a show or a beer. ;)
Fenrir13 said:
Call me a little cheezy here but I consider fellow metalheads my brothers and sisters(ok, the ones who aren't assholes at least :D) and treat them accordingly. As in I'm there for 'em whether they need a ticket to a show or a beer. ;)

\m/ that's the way to speak! whenever i see metalheads on the street i smile to myself, i even do the horns to myself under my sleeve haha
and sometimes i go up and talk to them, you meet great people like

now about you all... i come here expecting the regular drunkard babbling about, some little soap opera flame war or two maybe, news posted straight out of blabbermouth, and generally all that stuff that makes me feel comfortable and at home, just like smelling your mum's pies in the oven...
<3 to you all assholes :''-(
Hehe! I do that too; I'll go up to folks in stores I see buying metal, or wearing a metal shirt, and spark up a convo. (This is what I take metalhead on the street as myself. :D) Hell, I'll go up to band members and shake their hand, introduce myself and say thanks for coming, have a drink on me. :D I mean if they are out and about(I don't go raiding their buses or anything.) Band members are part of the metal family too; as they are music fans like us. (I don't put people on famous/not famous levels. A metalhead is a metalhead.) And i've been known to brazenly flash the horns. I'm not like the massively in your face person; I can sometimes even be on the shy side but I open up really really quick when metal is involved. :)

And yeah, here, I just expect some good ol fashioned MB fun and the odd bashing of some random asshole that walks in. ;) I forgot to add that.