Reamp boxes compared ?


Apr 25, 2007
Kyiv, Ukraine
I have read a lot of discussions here about reamping and got hooked :) keep thinking about it all the time :) really !!!!

I hear people discussing different reamp boxes with some pros and cons for each and I wondered whether anybody had a chance to compare say the original REAMP box (that for US$200), some active and passive manufactured by Radial Engineering and the Little lab's Readeye and maybe there are others out there.

I though of posting this in Euipment section of the forum but it seems to fit here more than anywhere else.

I am in the process of choosing one to buy - and hesitate on which one to go for :goggly: and I'd greatly appreciate your advice on this. Thanks a lot in advance. :)
I'm actually saving up for this one...

Does anyone knows the difference between active and passive reamp boxes ?

Would an actice box be more noisy than a passive - or it solely depends on how it's built ?

I might be asking a dumb question here - I'd have yet to look at the specs of all these units first before asking - but I am looking for an answer from someone who had a chance to compare a few of these reamp boxes side by side.

Looking forward to your responces, guys ? :)
Does anyone knows the difference between active and passive reamp boxes ?

Would an actice box be more noisy than a passive - or it solely depends on how it's built ?

I might be asking a dumb question here - I'd have yet to look at the specs of all these units first before asking - but I am looking for an answer from someone who had a chance to compare a few of these reamp boxes side by side.

Looking forward to your responces, guys ? :)

take about a good 20 minutes and read over everyone arguing in here...

it should answer a lot of your questions...
Thanks for your note, pal. I've already read this thread over and over - and still following up on it :) It is an extremely helpful one. But it seems everyone with practical experience in reamping owns only one reamp box and in general seems to be happy with one's own unit so I am trying to get some feedback from those who had a chance to compare a few different makes side by side - to have a discussion of weak and strong sides of each. Or maybe at least discuss any weak and/or strong sides of acitve preamp boxes vs passive ones.
Thanks for your note, pal. I've already read this thread over and over - and still following up on it :) It is an extremely helpful one. But it seems everyone with practical experience in reamping owns only one reamp box and in general seems to be happy with one's own unit so I am trying to get some feedback from those who had a chance to compare a few different makes side by side - to have a discussion of weak and strong sides of each. Or maybe at least discuss any weak and/or strong sides of acitve preamp boxes vs passive ones.

I believe James Murphy has an experience with all reamp boxes discussed in that thread.
Maybe you should search for his posts with keywords like "reamp" etc.
Thanks Mutant. I followed your advice and found some good threads where James recomends the original REAMP box very much. He compared the reamping capability of the Radial splitter JD-7 and the original REAMP and he seemed to prefer the sound of the original REAMP. However he noted that he likes Radial products and that they make great devices :).

All the best to ALL :) Please add any useful info to this thread as it comes by :)