

Senior Fuckers
Dec 9, 2005
In Italy
Hi guys, I have in my hand a sennheiser md 402 U....I found it in the hause of a friend....
what type of mic is? and what is the application?
Anyone of You have experience with this mic?

Man, you need to find out the SPL's it can handle, that will tell you if it can handle drums and/or guitar. Just compare the SPL level to something like a SM57.

Well, I have found some info on this mic and what I have deducted from it is that it's mainly used for reporting in the field. Probably due to it's supercardiod pattern which would help with unwanted sound. My guess is that it will probably be really good for vocals and maybe even guitar. I wasn't able to find any SPL ratings but I did find a page out of the manual:


If you look real close you can make out some of the specs for this mic. As far as it being able to actually handle guitars or drums, I'm pretty sure it can handle them. Dynamic mic diaphragms are not flimsy or weak, they are usually designed to take a beating.
