Sensory Amusia EP, Heavy Groove/Tech - Framus Cobra/TSE, Superior Drummer/Slate


Aug 26, 2007
Perth, Western Australia
Hey everyone, just finished up mixing an EP for Sensory Amusia, sweet local band here in Perth, Sean from the band posts on here under the same handle, thought I'd post it up here for some opinions

Drums are a combination of mostly Superior Drummer for everything with some Slate kick mixed in, guitars are half Framus Cobra through a Cobra cab dual mic'd with 57's, and half TSE, Bass I believe was tracked through a Sansamp DI or a POD, unsure as Sean did all the recording and I just handled the mix.

Would love to hear some feedback, cheers guys :D
i really like how the guitars sound!
vocals sound kinda distant, hmm can't decide if i like it or not.

I actually started listening to these guys before I saw this page. Mix is great. I love the drums.

I have Superior 2 but not Slate. I would love to have your preset though.
I'd use less room sample, and more direct for the snare.. It sounds way to "superior drummer" to me..