Sentenced - North From Here


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Why is this album never mentioned, anywhere? It came out the same year as Skydancer and A Velvet Creation, and one year before Lunar Strain. In my opinion it is just as strong as those three Swedish debuts, while having a bit of blackened sound to it. Jarva's vocal abilities easily exceed Friden's, though not Stanne's.

The songs are epic in nature, and have a cold nordic feel to them, while DT and IF and some of Eucharist kind of have that warm, fuzzy feeling.

Methinks this band gets judged by the atrocious suicide/gothic rock they released after Jarva left the band (to form the awesome Black League).

I love Amok as well, but North From Here is where it's at.

I'm just curious what others think of this album, though I bet few have actually heard it, even if it was one of the originals.

Sidenote: Most of the reviews of North From Here and Amok mention Iron Maiden. If Maiden sounds like this, I might need to check 'em out. Though I admit, I fear the gay singer. When it comes to those singers, I'm homophobic.
It's very good, but so is Shadows of the Past. I don't know why these albums almost never comes up, when poeple talks about this kind of music. Maybe they were from wrong country, so they can't be connected to the rise of Gothenburg-sound.

EDIT - All albums have something good, Down might be my favourite.
Demilich said:
Precisely how I judged 'em! and this coming from a HUGE Katatonia fan :loco:


I've heard those suicide rock albums from Sentenced, up to and including that "crimson" one. I couldn't really stand any of them.

North From Here and Amok are actually very good albums. Many in this forum would enjoy them.
M.Lehto said:
It's very good, but so is Shadows of the Past. I don't know why these albums almost never comes up, when poeple talks about this kind of music. Maybe they were from wrong country, so they can't be connected to the rise of Gothenburg-sound.

I think the fact that they are Finnish has a lot to do with it, actually.

I like SHadows of the Past. When I heard it, I was surprised that it was old school type death metal.
3 people (including me) have heard this album? Goddamn shameful. But go on and listen to Blind Guardian and fucking Pantera. :loco:
Demilich said:
Precisely how I judged 'em! and this coming from a HUGE Katatonia fan :loco:

I don't think there's any relation between the two besides their career paths, unless you think of Sentenced later material to be what Katatonia would sound like if their songs were porrly composed and their lyrics sounded incredibly forced, but it's not surprising that you wouldn't expect anything of value after enduring the ineptness of albums like Crimson...
Ben knows what's up. Glad to see a fan of early Sentenced and The Black League. Good stuff that only grows with continued listens.
I think I liked one song from Crimson, that's it. I don't even remember anything from Down or Frozen.
Miika Tenkula, former lead guitarist and main songwriter of the acclaimed Finnish band SENTENCED, was found dead at his home earlier today (Thursday, February 19). He was 35 years old.

Nalle Österman (GANDALF, LULLACRY, CHAOSBREED) tells BLABBERMOUTH.NET, "It's true, confirmed personally by [former SENTENCED] drummer Vesa Ranta.

"The fact remains that Miika had a serious drinking problem for many years which escalated after SENTENCED was buried. They don't call it King Alcohol for nothing...

"The metal scene in Finland mourns now for one of the most talented metal guitarists to ever emerge from [the country]."

The official cause of Miika's death has not yet been released.
That is trully unfortunate. 35 years old. Unreal.

The first two sentenced albums were great. I'm also hoping that, on June 8th, 2005, J. was kidding around when he said he may have to check out Iron Maiden. 2005? That has to be a joke, right?!?!?