September 28th - Major News announcement!!

I'm very excited to hear what (or who!) this will be...!! I'm sure the Power Quest boys made the right decisions for the band in the end, because "the quest must go on" :)

With baited breath...

And can't wait to see PQ at the metalfest!!
oh wow I completely forgot about that, I just keep seeing 28th on the topic list

well, even better then! :lol:
The first part of the news announcement is absolutely devastating. Considering the changes that have already occurred this year alone. At least the next news announcement should be positive for all concerned.

Best of luck to Andrea & Francesco in all future endeavors.

The quest will go on
As is the phrase of the band: the quest must go on. I really am devastated to see Alessio (a great voice) and Andrea (a man that regularly has me in stitches when I've met him) are no longer part of the band. Unfortunately, I guess it was an inevitability that we would one day lose these members due to the financial and time constraints it put on a band that isn't grossing in the millions!

I am confident the new line-up will satisfy my tastes and as long as there is a Steve Williams, there is a Power Quest. I'm really proud of Steve not jacking it in, you should never lose sight of what you love doing and I don't think you will! Cheers Steve and see you in October!

No no no NO NO NO NO!


Edit: Truly was not expecting this news. That said, I have the utmost confidence in you to keep the Quest going, Steve! Like Andi said, as long as you're around, there is a Power Quest. I'm extremely happy that you haven't given up even after all the awful events of the past year, and I can't wait to see this new lineup revealed and to hear what they'll bring to the band. All the best of luck to you, Steve!
Yeah, it's been a tough year alright! No getting away from that one! With Steve, Al, Andrea, Francesco, Oliver all gone's certainly the end of that particular chapter. I am very happy to say though that everything has been perfectly amicable and we are all such good friends after all these years that nothing will change that

I've actually been sitting on this news for a couple of months now which has obviously given me plenty of time to think about everything. I was extremely nervous about this announcement as I did wonder what the reaction would be, knowing that everyone would be suprised and upset about it.

Hope to see as many of you as possible at Metalfest on Saturday!

I'll be revealing the new line up next Monday and have already been rehearsing with the new boys and it's been going great!
This reminds me of Fairyland, where all the guys except founder Philippe left. Although, with Power Quest, they all had good reasons.
A point of light in this darkness is of course Steve staying, as he is the Symphony in Power Quest. :)
So, I'm hoping for some good news the monday I return to the Netherlands from Metalfest!
Really sorry to hear this mate. It must be really tough on you to have so many changes over the year in the PQ camp:cry:

But the good news is that you are keeping the flame burning and have got together a new line-up, and I have faith that you will pick the very best people for the job. And also, you are all still friends with all old members so who knows what may happen in the future with guest appearances, etc!!

Can't wait to see the classic PQ line-up next weekend at the metalfest!!


Well. That's it. Game over boys.

Power Quest, at least the band which defined what we all know and love, is gone. Forever. No more. Finished.

End of an era doesn't do it justice. The band is irreconcilably over. I know the name will probably live on and Steve Williams will do his best to fill the empty positions and some decent music will come out but it won't be Power Quest. It won't even be Power Quest 2.0 it's just Steve Williams and some guys who aren't PQ :cry:

I know I'm taking this hard and people will comment with blind optimism about how the PQ name will continue and the Quest Must Go On and all that jazz, but what will limp on after this catastrophic rupture simply will never achieve what PQ did with those 4 astronomic albums. Replacements may be made and I'm certain Steve will do his best but those replacements won't hold a candle to those who they hope to succeed. You can't top the best, anyone else is just second rate :(

I fully respect Alessio's, Andrea's and Francesco's decisions when it concerns geographical difficulties but to focus more attention on teaching or Arthemis (while it may be in the best interests for the guys personally) seems like madness when compared with the success of PQ. I hope for their sakes that they don't regret this.

I naturally respect and genuinely thank Steve for deciding to carry on with PQ. He knows that PQ fans worldwide will never give up on him and do everything they can to give him the support he deserves with any project he decides to commit to. Obviously members leaving is beyond his control and we all have complete faith in his decisions in keeping PQ as awesome as possible. We just have to accept that the PQ sound from now on won't be that classic sound any more but a new sound from new people going in new directions, I suppose we should just be grateful that it will be Steve Williams taking us there.

Best of luck PQ, this is going to take some time to get used to.
Crushing. it will be interesting to see where PQ goes from here but i'm in agreement with Dom on this one, the classic line-up and sound of the PQ we knew is gone. There will still be great music though and the keyboards will be immense as ever, maybe PQ mark 2 will surpass expectations. maybe