September 28th - Major News announcement!!

Yeah, come on guys. We've got the guy who writes all the music. THAT is what defines the Power Quest sound. Maybe we could grow to love the new line-up more one day? What you've got to look at here is the fact we're going to have an all UK-based band now. Do you know what that means? More rehearsals. More writing. More albums. More shows.

Not so bad when you look at it that way, eh? ;)
If Philippe could do it with Fairyland (and they're much less known than Power Quest, as far as I know), Steve can definitely do it with Power Quest. We're all crushed by the news, but we're all looking forward to what you have in store for the future. And seeing as you've already got the lineup in order, it looks like you're doing well already!

The time of Power Quest Redux seems to be near :lol:
Ah, I can't believe that the first time I get to see PQ live is going to be the last time with the current lineup! Still, rather be just in time than just missed...

And interesting to hear that you'll be showcasing the new lineup in Derby just a few weeks later; I shall definitely pop along to compare!
Oy, easy with the doom and gloom! Let's just be truly happy Steve didn't just throw in the towel!

I took the easy way
Turned my back and walked away
Didn't have the courage or the will
Sometimes it's hard to say
Question what I did that day
Now I know I'll hide away no more.

Never again will I hide myself in shadows
Never again will I look the other way
Never again will I take the easy option
Never again, I won't wait another day.

And when I'm gone, the world carries on
And you must carry on too

I 'spose :)

Not that Steve isn't the keystone of PQ (heh, geddit?) but for me and my tastes, Alessios soaring vocal range and Andreas unparalleled shred are half of PQ with Steve's songwriting and hypnotising keys making up the other. It's a fine balance and a perfectly blended harmony. You lose just one element and you simply lose the classic PQ sound.

I'm looking forward to what Steve can bring to PQ2 musically and maybe there will be some practical benefits but they won't top the line up we know and love. Nothing can.
Two words for you Dom..




Keep the faith!

I'm saying this as a huge fan of all the PQ albums. Anything is possible for the future, and while it will never be the same as the old PQ, it will be new and different.
hey look at that, metal archives's photo of power quest has finally been changed - it's just steve

it was the same photo for years, not sure around which album it came from, but steve looked much younger, it seems :lol:
I want to know what happens to the tracks that were cut from MOI or any other rare tracks we may not know about. Surely the recent departures call for a small limited EP to be produced to signify the end of the old line up ::p:
POWER QUEST are/were amazing. hope to see a continuance of the incredibly uplifting tunes and brilliance that is PQ!! Lookin forward to new lineup i always thought the guy from Heavenly would sound good with PQ!!:loco: