Was ever a more depressing death knell of a once great band sounded? (queue other examples no doubt)
It's so typical that THIS song is the one most people my age say when asked to mention a Sepultura song (and likewise, the "Roots" album). Is there any hope for metal?
Am I just not getting something, or is this song so utterly SHIT that it isn't true? What the hell IS there in this song?
Sorry, just gave it another listen because I hear people mentioning it a lot, as "teh heaviest!1" and so on...I thought I might have been in one huge dream in which Sepultura did not musically exist before "Roots" was released.
Aah, that's better.
It's so typical that THIS song is the one most people my age say when asked to mention a Sepultura song (and likewise, the "Roots" album). Is there any hope for metal?
Am I just not getting something, or is this song so utterly SHIT that it isn't true? What the hell IS there in this song?
Sorry, just gave it another listen because I hear people mentioning it a lot, as "teh heaviest!1" and so on...I thought I might have been in one huge dream in which Sepultura did not musically exist before "Roots" was released.
Aah, that's better.