SERENITY: Codex Atlanticus

some parts did sound really phoned in, but it is still ok. Their meh is still pretty good.

I've heard these songs that they released were the weakest on the album (even though still good). I'm very much looking forward to this.
The second one is better than the first, but I'm still not feeling wow'd like I usually am with Serenity. If those are actually the two weakest songs then great,
Yea, I am a little worried about this release.

While the two songs they have released seem to have gone a bit back tot he sound of the first two albums, they don't really stand out and are missing that addictive hook that is their trademark. They lost their main composer, so my fear is this is gonna be a bit of Serenity by numbers. I hope I am proven wrong.
Bassist vocals are a nope for me. Feels like 0 for 3 right now. I'm still going to pick it up, but I'm not feeling anything released so far.
Bassist vocals are a nope for me. Feels like 0 for 3 right now. I'm still going to pick it up, but I'm not feeling anything released so far.

I had the same reaction. When you have Georg as your vocalist, why is the bassist singing? His vocals are really only prominent on one other song that I can recall.

The album overall is good, though a bit of a step forward, step back for me. The sound is more straight-forward (guitars are more prominent, the symphonic stuff is scaled back a little), harkening back to the first couple albums, which is a total win for me. However, the songs do not seem nearly as catchy as their early stuff. But I will say I am liking it more and more each listen, so maybe it is just that it is more of a grower.
Not their best album, but there are a few gems in here, and nothing I'd consider a clunker. Good album - 3rd or 4th on my list of albums released last week.

Here are some Serenity pics from Paris' show on tuesday night :

(Click on pics to access full album)

I'm about a third of the way through and it feels completely uninspired. They're free to ditch the historical shtick and just make music again at any time.
The Perfect Woman sounds like contemporary christian! What the fuck is this. I do my best to never skip a track on my first listen to an album, but they're testing my resolve here. Ugh, this is terrible.

I haven't heard a redeeming feature yet. I might have to listen to the first two albums after this just to remind myself why I loved them in the first place.
Christian is not a problem. I like a number of bands that happen to be Christian. Contemporary christian music is shit music, though.