Serenity In Murder (slayer cover) Check it out !!!

Jul 15, 2006
Kenton, OH
The Vocals and solo's are a little bit different but other than that we tried to keep it the same.

Please listen and check it out and comment on the production...I think i'm really started to get something rolling over here, things are starting to sound pretty good.

If anyone has any questions, I will be happy to answer them.....thanks in advance and cheers:headbang:

HI RES DOWNLOAD ---------------

Come on!!! It must be too good to comment on......It's funny that most of the mixes posted here are usually unfinished and usually put up that night they mixed that song....And that thread will get 15-20 posts about nothing.....I think my day's of posting are over with. I'll go back to just reading.
damn.. sounds great man, I would lower the guitars just a little bit.. the solo is perfect :headbang: and the vocals are a lot better than the original. :worship:
Come on!!! It must be too good to comment on......It's funny that most of the mixes posted here are usually unfinished and usually put up that night they mixed that song....And that thread will get 15-20 posts about nothing.....I think my day's of posting are over with. I'll go back to just reading.

Yeah, I think this sub-forum has gotten less attention than in the past lately. For me it's sometimes hard listening to and criticizing so much stuff.

I liked your cover quite a bit, though. I think some of the drum fills could have sounded less robotic. The guitar sound is unusual, kind of chubby sounding, but I like it that way.
yeh it seems everyone's to busy making fun of ppl in other threads......And yeh i see what you mean it does get overwhelming when listening to so many mixes and commenting on them.....

It just sucks cuz i kinda count on you guys here....because im from a small little shit town in ohio where everyone listen's to rap and country so it's hard to get honest and informative opinions .......but once again thanks for those who commented really appreciated
Sounds very good. Clean Voc's seem a bit too loud (but I'm listening on my macbook-speakers right now, so...), screams are perfect.

I really liked the guitarsound. Drums sound great, too - but get buried sometimes (again: only macbook speakers here)

Good job - would love to read some more information about it.
hey thank's for commenting

GTR - Les paul Standard>GT Brick> Revalver III>Boogex>REQ
I'm using GuitarHacks and Recabinet impulses
DRUMS - Slate drums
BASS - Fender Precision>Sansamp BDDI
Vocals- SM7b & At3035 >GT Brick

once again thanks for checking it out
sounds great. Like the guitar tone!!!drums are great!!!shouting vox are ver nice. Just dont like the clean singing.....neither slayers original;)

very good production

on my laptop speakers^^
Sounds really good dude, i liked it.

But you know man, making Slayer covers is a failure from the very beginning. I mean... no matter how good you(your band) are, it will never-ever sound better than Slayer itself. :)

As I told you earlier at the peavey forum I really dig the sound and the different vocals and solos. I love slayer and collect covers of slayer songs. Yours is among my personal top 5. Honestly. I'd give my left testacle for your guitar sound and the singer's voice. Great work!
Hey dude, the guitars sound super-real, so great job on that! They have a bit too much mids IMO and are kinda unfocused sounding in the disortion, but overall I dig the tone, and it works for the Slayer style. +1 to Habsburgs on them coming down a bit though. Also, the ride sounds really fake ("ting ting ting"), sounds more like a crash hit really lightly, maybe bringing that back a bit (or just using a different sample ;)) would help. I've never heard the original song, so I can't compare, but I really dig your vocals dude, especially the screams/shouts! The solos totally channel the King/Hanneman vibe as well. Good job!
Awesome stuff dude! Two questions, what slate kit you use? and can you share your Sansamp DI settings? :)

Hey thanks dude
i started off with the cracky metal kit
swapped for Highhat2
I used Kick 5 / pantykick for the click
snares 12a for fatness / deftonesnare for crack

As for the Sansamp settings it was tracked about a month and a half ago so i don't remember but....

i always have blend 100% and everything else to taste.....i never go to over board with the drive/growl but then i do that little trick that was posted here on bass.
I duplicate the bass track and split the low and high and then send that to a group where i pin it with a limiter so it doesn't go anywhere I don't want it too.

If i need more grit/distortion which i usually do......i just use that GuitarAmp suite JCM900 and send it to the high part of the get more of that growl.....seems like it works alright......I went over board with the Sansamp one time and the results weren't as good....And the only fix was to re-record........thanks again for your interest
Hey dude, the guitars sound super-real, so great job on that! They have a bit too much mids IMO and are kinda unfocused sounding in the disortion, but overall I dig the tone, and it works for the Slayer style. +1 to Habsburgs on them coming down a bit though. Also, the ride sounds really fake ("ting ting ting"), sounds more like a crash hit really lightly, maybe bringing that back a bit (or just using a different sample ;)) would help. I've never heard the original song, so I can't compare, but I really dig your vocals dude, especially the screams/shouts! The solos totally channel the King/Hanneman vibe as well. Good job!

Hey dude thanks....i have been working hard trying to get a descent chain to get some descent guitars going...i think im finally going in the right direction.....totally agree with the ride... i will mention it to the dudes.

yeh thats me on the shouts and my guitar player on the cleans....thanks again dude