Serious critique for my band's mix for EP (deathcore, Hood reamps!)


Jan 21, 2010
I plan on doing a ton of weird effects for certain parts with vox, drums, ect. so I mainly want crit on how everything's sitting in this mix.

Should I EQ something different, are there any instruments that are just WAY too loud or not there at all, anything just flat out sound bad?
This is the first album and serious mix I've ever done so I'd love all the crit I can get! I really want this to sound pummeling but need help.

Here's one of the songs I'm basing the EP's mix off of:

Unmastered: Mix 3.1 Unmastered.mp3
(very poor/quick) Mastered: Mix 3.1 Mastered.mp3

Brian will most likely be mastering this as well, so a big thanks to him for a majority of our sound!
sounding pretty hot. drums sound spot on, guitars are good too!

if i was going to do anything, i'd bring the vocals down maybe a bit, and bring up the high end of the guitars. but everyone tells me my mixes are sharp on guitars, so maybe you shouldn't ;)

Thanks a ton! :D And yeah, I tend to mix my vocals in a tad loud sometimes.

I feel like my kick and snare could pop out a little more. I'll try and compress and/or EQ them a little differently once I get a chance to sit down with this mix for awhile.
Yeah, turn up/brighten guitars a bit. The snare is plenty loud, maybe raise the kick and put a little more ambience on the vox to 'sit' them in the mix better!

as it stands it kind of sounds like someone doing vox over a backing track...
SigmundFreud33 said:
Yeah, turn up/brighten guitars a bit. The snare is plenty loud, maybe raise the kick and put a little more ambience on the vox to 'sit' them in the mix better!

as it stands it kind of sounds like someone doing vox over a backing track...

I'll definitely brighten the guitars and I just realized I forgot to mix in verb on the vocals. I see how I should raise the kick but the snare is plenty loud? I feel like it could poke out a little more during the one hit sections (I did have a slightly fast attack on the comp which could cause that)

And I'm guessing the vocals are too loud which I totally hear now.
Don't get me wrong though, it has potential to be uber sick! =D Do what you think it needs and re-post! =D
zver said:
what did u use on guitars?

Well... Brian Hood reamped them through his usual 5150 chain I'm assuming.

SigmundFreud33 said:
Don't get me wrong though, it has potential to be uber sick! =D Do what you think it needs and re-post! =D

I'll post a new mix asap. I appreciate the help guys! :D
Sounds pretty good. I would sit the vocals a tad bit back in the mix though and bring out the Rhythm guitars a bit tad bit more. maybe a db or so? Sounds good, though!
bass and guitars work good together
i like the toms
vocals still don't really sound like a part of the mix to me
also not a fan of the kick

overall its got potential!
minor fixes and it will be a good mix
I dunno about this man, I think a healthy cut of like....7 Db's at about 300-500 would be extra good for those guitars.