Set List?

VikiNg CoLoNy

New Metal Member
Jul 23, 2007
Hi Vikings!

I'm waiting for the concert in Bergara (Spain), at last they are coming here!! :D

And I wanted to know the set list, the songs that they use to play in concerts.

Anyone could put it here for me? :)
Unfortunately only five songs were played since it was in a fast paced festival setting. I can't wait for the headline tour this fall.
Which headline-tour? Aren't Dimmu Borgir the headliners? In Denmark the concert starts out with Hatesphere - then Amon Amarth and at last Dimmu Borgir. In this case I doubt that there's time for more than 5 tracks :waah:
I'm fairly certain it's a dual headline with Hatesphere for support because on the tickets here they're listed as "DIMMU BORGIR + AMON AMARTH + support"

Meaning Dimmu and Amon would both get a full set and Hatesphere would get screwed with 5 or so songs
Nah, he's talking about the rumored AA headlining NA tour. Fuck, I hope it's true, I'd really love to see a full-on, no holds barred AA show. :)

Same here man. It was so sad when they only played those 5 songs and had to go. We were all like, no way, this cannot be it.

It really felt shorter than all the other sets, then again, it was the best set!
I think Johan Hegg said something about them Headlining when I saw them in Baltimore. I was drunk so I don't remember all he said but I do remember something about AA Headlining and they were excited.
In TO they played the set list mentioned but played Asator instead of Blackbirds. And they ARE touring NA in the fall!
Belgian redneck says:

Recieved my ticket for the concert in Copenhagen in October in todays mail. On this ticket it says: Headliners: Dimmu Borgir - main support: Amon Amarth!
I too hope for more than 5 or 6 tracks. Bought the ticket mainly because of Amon Amarth:notworthy