set the forum of fire. . .

what's up everyone??

haven't posted in a while, just wanted to send a big "WORD UP" to all my homies (or former homies who have already forgotten about me)!!

what's up, everyone!!! give me news, give me facts, give me greetings, give me hate, explicit dirty details, whatever!

once again: :wave:
hahaha RP.what up BWD you crazy bastard. KMFDM has a new album coming out too. since you're the only other person on this board with any taste i thought i should point that out.
hi all! a guy..., rp, jimbob it's good to hear from you again after a long while (even though i haven't been getting on aim much lately :( ) and neal, you will be glad to know that "money" and "juke joint jezebel" were causing my car's speakers to undulate just yesterday. they coming out with a new one every year now??? fo shizal indeed!