set time for Hartford?

Redfly, are you going to the Hartford show?....I'll be there.

Last time in Worcester MA they had three opening bands and Testament went on around 10:30...

I believe there are two local bands opening the Hartford show and then Soilent Green so I'm guessing probably around 10:30 again. I can't imagine they would go on before 10:00....

Best bet is to call the venue on the day of the show and ask, they should know the schedule by then.....:)
I'm not sure if I can go yet.I have to get out of some shit first.But I am going to try like hell.
My friend said there are like 4 other bands but I will have to double check,that sounds like a lot to me.
So....did you end up going to the show....?? I hope you were able to make it there, it was an awesome show, we had a super great time.....

Here is the set list…...this might not be the exact order played but it’s close…and yes, the sound at the show was excellent....

Into the Pit
Over the Wall
Practice What you Preach
Electric Crown
The New Order
More Than Meets the Eye
The Legacy
Three Days in Darkness
The Formation of Damnation
The Henchmen Ride
Apocalyptic City
Raging Waters
Alone in the Dark
Disciples of the Watch
Damn it! No everything that could go wrong did go wrong.I am very very not happy.I'll have to catch them on the next run.I'm glad you all had a good time... how could you not!even at the Webster,the set list looks awesome! It looks like they played just about all the songs I would want to hear...SHIT! How were the other bands..if you saw them?
Sorry to hear you didn’t make it to the show...hopefully next year you will have a chance.

No, I didn’t see the opening bands....but I believe there was one local band and then Soilent Green. Testament came on around 10:25 and ended around 11:45.

The band said this was the last show this year with Alex playing; he is off to do TSO rehearsals and tour.

After the show Alex, Greg and Eric came out by the bus and signed stuff and talked with people. Paul came out later, but I was leaving so I did not get to talk to him.
That's really cool that they came out after,I wonder where Chuck was hiding hehe.
Do you think that means they are going to tour a little with someone else on lead or just done touring for now?
They are playing four shows in Mexico with Judas Priest in a few weeks.....I'm guessing as a four piece but maybe they will have someone else filling in on guitar, just have to wait and see.

Eric is an amazing guitarist so perhaps he will throw in some solos if they do these shows as a four piece.....
Yes Eric is awesome.I wish he would do longer solo's in Testament he is definitely good enough to trade off with Alex all the time like say Iron Maiden does.Eric is one of the most consistent writers/musicians I can think of.He has a great sense of melody but also blends brutality into it perfectly.Everything he writes always sounds like it belongs there.I think he is cleaner and faster than Mustaine and completely better then Hammett.He also doesn't repeat himself all the time like the other guys. Hey maybe they will have Murphy do a couple shows with them.
Yes, I agree with you 100%. Eric is one of the most underrated guitarists in Thrash/Metal. Some bands use the same tired two or three chords over and over on every song and they all sound the same. Eric always creates a series of amazing riffs and chords that move and weave throughout the song, giving each one its own identity. Even though Testament has over 100+ songs in their catalog, each song is different and always recognizable, it doesn’t matter if it’s from The Legacy or FoD.

I think that Alex does a great job describing Eric’s playing in this recent interview he did with Guitar World. There isn’t a direct link to the video but go here and scroll down to the clip where he is asked about Eric’s playing.

I love Alex’s solos, they are always a high point on the CDs for me but I would certainly welcome more solos from Eric on the next CD. I don’t know if the Iron Maiden style of soloing would fit Testament’s style but hey, I’m not opposed to Eric and Alex doing five minute solos...each....LOL...:)
Hey thanks that was a cool link! Yeah I don't think Iron Maiden exactly,I just want Eric to do some longer solos They are always perfect and total metal.
But they are too short they give you just a taste of awesomeness and then they are gone.Every band would be better off with an Eric Peterson.
...I would love some 5 minute solos! you know they wouldn't be boring.They should write longer songs anyway.
Didn't Alex get guitar lessons from Satriani at some point? I was surprised he didn't mention that.I was also surprised to hear he didn't think his playing had a voice until Practice.I thought The Legacy was a little rough but the solos on The new order are perfect.If Alex did get lessons from Satch then it is funny that Alex took that knowledge and continued to progress and Kirk Hammett only got worse and worse.
Yes, Alex started taking lessons from Satriani when he was 14 and ended at 16.

Here is a link to a recent entry that Alex wrote on his blog....he talks about his first lesson with Satriani and how he almost missed going to that lesson..... Alex also has written some other interesting blog entries; check them out if you have the title link at the top of the skolnotes page.

I imagine Satriani’s lessons must have had a huge impact on Alex's playing at that time in his life, possibly laying the groundwork for his playing on the early Testament recordings.

If we look at Hammetts playing, what else has he done except Metallica? Alex moved on from thrash when he was younger because he knew there were other types of music out there and he wanted to experience and study them; he wanted to be a well rounded musician not just the “metal guy”. I am a huge Metallica fan but I would like to hear Kirk branch out and play with other musicians or play other styles of music. According to his bio on the Metallica site he has studied jazz, blues and classical guitar so he has the musical knowledge to expand his resume.

I don’t think Kirk’s playing has necessarily gotten worse over the years, (okay maybe there are a few examples but we won't go there again...LOL...) I would really just like to hear him do something more inspired and different.
Once again thanks for the link! I am going to check this stuff out.I don't necessarily think you need to leave metal to expand your playing there are tons of incredible players that only do metal( professionally).I definitely respect Alex for following his heart and expanding his knowledge and love of music.Personally it's not for me.I only play metal and I hope I keep progressing you just need the right influences,not all of my influences are metal like Vai and Satriani,but it is all I like to play ( I'm not saying I'm in their league) It's not that I don't like jazz or other forms of music that require instruments it just doesn't get my inspiration going.
I don't really know what people mean when they say just a metal guy.(Alex seems to have a bit of a complex when it comes to metal sometimes). Sure there are some lame ducks in metal but for the most part metal especially trash is very diverse and is one of the only forms of music that is constantly pushing people to out do themselves( by the way I'm not trying to preach to you).Kirk ok I wont slam him but I don't hear any progression in him.He doesn't seem to have gotten any better in 25 years of playing professionally and I don't know how that is possible.It seems the more control over his playing that he gets the less he wants to play.God how great would it be to get lessons from Satch?! People in Cali are spoiled rotten! This may be a dumb question.Do you play?
I used to hate old TesTament. Then I got schooled on the power of the riff and absolutely fell in love with Alex and Eric's work. They have such variety, skill, and emotion in their playing that it amazes me. Kirk though... it pains me to listen to him lately. The dude just sounds like he's holding something back. Seeing as he was an early Metal years hero for me... ouch.
Yup Alex and Eric are the shit! They write and play with so many layers, fast but melodic at the same time.I used to really like Kirks playing when I was a teen.But the older I got the more I read that Kirk was for the most part playing what Hetfield had written for him.Also the longer I play guitar the worse he seems.It also seems like the more he gets to contribute to the writing the worse the solos are.The new metallica album is a good case in point it is supposed to be their big back to old school metal album and the solos are weak.Kirk spent so long dumbing down his playing and hiding behind a whaa pedal that he's lost it.I hate to say I really don't think he is holding anything back because if he was going to do something awesome this was the time.But hey he was a good inspiration when I was a kid so it's not all bad.
Oh sure. The thing with Metallica in general is they're a gateway band. So many people got into Metal through them. Admitting to shortcomings isn't easy. I want Kirk to be holding back. My honest suspicion, however, is the dude's a merely competent player who pretty much stumbled into some great material. If the chops were there he supressed em so long guy's lost his edge.
Yeah it's to bad he was good enough to really have been great at some point but it just didn't happen.He just can't be that interested that's the only answer I can think of.I couldn't be happy like that personally I love playing and pushing myself.Man I was so happy the day I got my sweeps down,it really is like a high.At least we have people like Skolnick and Eric and James Murphy and Loomis and a whole host of really exceptional players in metal.I don't know to me Kirk really has no excuse, he had the lessons he has the time and the money.Metallica was totally a gateway band for me you are right about that.
Man I was so happy the day I got my sweeps down,it really is like a high.At least we have people like Skolnick and Eric and James Murphy and Loomis and a whole host of really exceptional players in metal.I don't know to me Kirk really has no excuse, he had the lessons he has the time and the money.Metallica was totally a gateway band for me you are right about that.

Sweeps are very hard to learn and took me a while to get them down.....take a listen to the new John5 CD his sweep picking is insane....

Yes, we are lucky to have players like Alex and Eric who after 20 years are putting out CDs that are still setting the standards for Thrash. Perhaps Kirk should have listened to FoD before recording his solos on Death Magnetic, then maybe he would have played something a lot better.

It seems like Metallica spent too much time in the 90's trying not sound like Metallica and now they are trying too hard to sound like Metallica....
The guy who really got me to listen to riffage was Jed Simon from Strapping Young Lad. i spent the 80's in a combination of infancy and backwoods wholesomeness. Metal began as this way neato image thing. Then it shifted into angst but something in the way Simon played introduced this new level of respect and music appreciation. Dude wants to be there, has a great ear, and loves what he does. The passion and skill just riddle Zimmers Hole and what I've heard of Tenet.

Haha you know with our love of Metal guitar... we three should start some sort of social club. You two can trade licks and I'll be the wide eyed kid going "gee golly! that's carazay!" haha I mean metal siblings are always welcome by for some brews and br00tality but if we formalize it we can make tshirts!