Set Times???

This is one of those times where you get to look at all the bullshit that a promoter has to deal with while putting a roster together....

Tad Morose and Brainstorm were originally both designated into the 2nd slots with a 45 minute time frame. I set the schedule accordingly. Then, I lost the 3rd slot band I had for Saturday. I did not feel that any potential replacements deserved a higher slot than Brainstorm so I bumped them up and extended their set. Please bear in mind that I had a signed contract with them before they were even approached by Brave Words for their show. So at the time, it was going to be their U.S. debut.

The band that I had for the 3rd slot on Friday were going to get a 45 minute set due to the extended Savatage show. That was the plan from the start. I had a verbal agreement in place until they pulled out a week before I went public. Once again, I did not feel that any potential replacement deserved a higher slot than Tad Morose on Friday. Thus, I moved them up and kept the same set length that we agreed to back in February.

Glenn H.
Wow, that sucks that tad Morose is only getting 45 minutes... I had no clue; again, you can never please everyone, but i just wish everyone's set was increased in the future. Is that a possibility Glenn? Maybe starting the show at 4:30 or something. I realize you have this whole thing down to a tee, but would a change be out of the question? Thanks
I'd certainly vote for 60 minute sets, especially if the band is making their first ever US appearance and doesn't have any idea if they will ever make it back to the States (Adagio, Dreamscape, Tad Morose, Silent Force, Pagan's Mind, Vanden Plas, etc.,). If the band is traveling all the way across the Atlantic for one show, it would seem to be a good idea if logistically possible. However, I'm sure this has crossed Glenn's mind from day one. Because the set lengths have been such for several events now, there is undoubtedly a strong reason for the current set lenghts.

In the end, I'm just as thrilled to see these bands play for 60 minutes versus 45 minutes. The bands are accessible during the event and may even party with you at the hotels, so these perks more than make up for a standard opening time of 45 minutes (which seems to be the standard for all concerts I go to - some openers only get 20-30 minutes at non-festivals which makes 45 minutes seem like an eternity).
Fiddler is correct. There is a method to my madness this year and there will be no changes to the pattern I have established (other than ther return to 60 mins in the 3rd slot next time). All bands are aware of the situation and are happy with things.

To clarify, this is not Tad Morose's U.S. debut.

Glenn H.
Tad Morose should have a much better experience at PPV than they had at Jack Koshick's Milwaukee Metalmess. I didn't go the year TM played MM, just because I knew something would get fudged up as it always does at a JK promoted event. Sure enough, Tad Morose didn't get on stage until 1:00 AM!!!! Only about 3 hours late!

That day, Angel Dust also imploded as only Frank Banx and Ritchie Wilkison decided to make the flight to Milwaukee. Angel Dust was scheduled to headline, but Frank and Ritchie didn't find out that the other members left them high-and-dry until they were already in Milwaukee! I can't blame JK for that, but it's just the type of bad luck fans seem to run into with JK events.
The Fiddler said:
Tad Morose should have a much better experience at PPV than they had at Jack Koshick's Milwaukee Metalmess. I didn't go the year TM played MM, just because I knew something would get fudged up as it always does at a JK promoted event. Sure enough, Tad Morose didn't get on stage until 1:00 AM!!!! Only about 3 hours late!

That day, Angel Dust also imploded as only Frank Banx and Ritchie Wilkison decided to make the flight to Milwaukee. Angel Dust was scheduled to headline, but Frank and Ritchie didn't find out that the other members left them high-and-dry until they were already in Milwaukee! I can't blame JK for that, but it's just the type of bad luck fans seem to run into with JK events.

I went to that show. I was impressed that even with how late they went on and how many people left by that late hour, Tad Morose still put on a good show plus they never even complained when they got home and could easily said it was a worthless trip. They should be in heaven getting a 45 minute set in front of such supporting fans this time thru though.:Spin: