Setherial - Death Triumphant

Setherial - Death Triumphant
Regain Records - Catalogue Number RR086
By Paul Raw Nerve


Setherial is one of those bands that never get listed in the main bracket of the big black metal bands, which is a damn shame, as personally I think they're one of the best. I still think their debut album 'Nord' is a highlight of the entire genre, and even though they've never quite managed anything as masterful as that in my eyes, they've been close on every occasion. 'Death Triumphant' manages it once more, as the band deliver yet another vicious foray into the traditional cold and relentless Swedish black metal sound, which I now think this band are the pack leaders, above Dark Funeral and the now down the drain Dissection.

In this album, Setherial throw around some amazing ideas, and occasionally take their feet off the accelerator pedal, with 'With veins wide open' having some choice heavier moments amidst the impressively tight, full speed, classical influenced blackened spree. If you are a fan of Dark Funeral's 'Secret of the Black Arts' and also the last couple of Emperor works, then Setherial is a band you should listen to. If you're already a fan, this turns out to be one of their best offerings yet.


UM's Review Rating Scale

Official Setherial Website
Official Regain Records Website
yep Nord was great album, after that they have only done seriously crap albums that everyone should avoid, like this new one, nothing new, nothing interesting, not even trying to make anything good here, simply boring sad generic sad plak methul from swedes, oh maan I yawned miselv to death so many times.Stay away! 4/10