Setlist for Toledo, Oh show Dec. 1, 2003


Imported Killer
Toledo, OH

Contact (recording)
What Doesn't Die
Got the Time
Caught in a Mosh
Safe Home
Nobody Knows Anything
Dethroned Emperor (intro)/Belly of the Beast
Caddilac Rock Box
I am the Law
Be All, End All

Very short show. Under 70 mins I believe. Very poor turnout. Caddy Rock Box rules live. I met Infernal Keith and Metal Dirk. I'm exhausted but I'm heading to Indy. Of course my car battery died yesterday too. I had to travel to Toledo and back home on jump starts.
Ya the turn out was really low. I went up to the door around 7:45 an there was only about 20 people. I'm guessing the reason for low turnout was that it was on a week day. Also it was the first workday after the holiday. Where I work at, you have to work the day before and the day after the holiday to get holiday pay. It's the first time I've been to headliners so I have no idea what the average crowd size is when other bands play there. Maybe there will be more people at the Ft. Wayne show tomorrow.
Also, it was the first time Anthrax has EVER played in Toledo. therefore, not as big of a fanbase in Toledo. it seemed most of the people there were there to see the crappy local bands that played before Anthrax. I was there, I asked around to some of the people with Anthrax shirts if they posted here on but found no one...I was wearing a Black Label Society shirt, until the band right before Anthrax came on, I bought a Band On Fire shirt and wore it over it the rest of the night....I was in front of Bush, and Between Bush and Scott most of the night, a few people back....right on the edge of the "pit" (not that you could really call it that)....No wonder nobody ever plays in Toledo......

Anyway, I will be in Cleveland definatly, so maybe we can all meet up there! I havent missed a Thrax show since I started seeing em live....saw them with Priest in Columbus last year, saw em at the Headbanger's Ball show in Cleveland, and two weeks later in Cleveland with Motorhead, and I saw them at the Alrosa Villa in Columbus....and now in suck-ass Toledo.
also, they changed the intro and middle part of Safe Home....wierd. I like the original better, but I've heard that one more so who knows. They seemed to speed up on Only and some other stuff....maybe they were in a hurry to end the show because the crowd sucked, I don't know....or have they been changing shit up like that at every show recently?
Deege said:
....or have they been changing shit up like that at every show recently?

I'll let you know after Sat. in Flint. Hopefully a better turnout than Toledo or Harpos here last summer. (the great black-out weekend)
Deege said:
Also, it was the first time Anthrax has EVER played in Toledo. therefore, not as big of a fanbase in Toledo. it seemed most of the people there were there to see the crappy local bands that played before Anthrax. I was there, I asked around to some of the people with Anthrax shirts if they posted here on but found no one...I was wearing a Black Label Society shirt, until the band right before Anthrax came on, I bought a Band On Fire shirt and wore it over it the rest of the night....I was in front of Bush, and Between Bush and Scott most of the night, a few people back....right on the edge of the "pit" (not that you could really call it that)....No wonder nobody ever plays in Toledo......
That band Coil Burn right before Anthrax was pretty good I thought. The others I could have done without though. I was only a few feet from where you were then because I was standing in the front in front of Scott by the. I was wearing a blue jean jacket.
Toledo used to be a good concert place back when most of the bands came to the sports arena back in the 80's. I saw Megadeth there with Suicidal Tendencies back in 92. That was a cool show.
jdelpi said:
Toledo, OH

Contact (recording)
What Doesn't Die
Got the Time
Caught in a Mosh
Safe Home
Nobody Knows Anything
Dethroned Emperor (intro)/Belly of the Beast
Caddilac Rock Box
I am the Law
Be All, End All
Why didn't they play their most controversial song for you?????
Deege said:
Also, it was the first time Anthrax has EVER played in Toledo. therefore, not as big of a fanbase in Toledo. it seemed most of the people there were there to see the crappy local bands that played before Anthrax. I was there, I asked around to some of the people with Anthrax shirts if they posted here on but found no one...I was wearing a Black Label Society shirt, until the band right before Anthrax came on, I bought a Band On Fire shirt and wore it over it the rest of the night....I was in front of Bush, and Between Bush and Scott most of the night, a few people back....right on the edge of the "pit" (not that you could really call it that)....No wonder nobody ever plays in Toledo......

Anyway, I will be in Cleveland definatly, so maybe we can all meet up there! I havent missed a Thrax show since I started seeing em live....saw them with Priest in Columbus last year, saw em at the Headbanger's Ball show in Cleveland, and two weeks later in Cleveland with Motorhead, and I saw them at the Alrosa Villa in Columbus....and now in suck-ass Toledo.

Alot of the people there were from michigan, ive seen them befor at shows at harpos. I was standing right by you closer to bush, redhead in a army green shirt.
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Deege said:
Also, it was the first time Anthrax has EVER played in Toledo. therefore, not as big of a fanbase in Toledo. it seemed most of the people there were there to see the crappy local bands that played before Anthrax. I was there, I asked around to some of the people with Anthrax shirts if they posted here on but found no one...I was wearing a Black Label Society shirt, until the band right before Anthrax came on, I bought a Band On Fire shirt and wore it over it the rest of the night....I was in front of Bush, and Between Bush and Scott most of the night, a few people back....right on the edge of the "pit" (not that you could really call it that)....No wonder nobody ever plays in Toledo......

First of all, don't blame Toledo. Blame the fact that there was ZERO promotion done for this show. Blame the fact that NO radio station in Toledo plays Anthrax. The final headcount for the show was around 150(90 tickets sold by the local bands). You may have thought all the local bands were "crappy", but if it wasn't for them, there would have been barely over 50 people there. And no, people weren't just there to see the locals. I should know, I'm a member of one of the so-called "crappy" local bands that played. We played 2nd(Genocya). We're from michigan though, not Toledo. I don't care if anyone liked us or not, but one thing I do know. We busted our ass to get rid of 30 tickets for that show(we had to pay for them in advance even at 17.50 a piece) in like 2 days. We even ended up getting rid of a few for like 10 bucks outside the door before the show. We are all Anthax fans and would have came to the show even if we hadn't played it. Everyone we sold tickets to were Anthrax fans. We felt honored to be sharing the stage with a band that I've loved since 8th grade(I'm 32, you do the math). Like I said, wether people liked us or not, I don't know, nor do I care. I just don't like to see people ragging on the local bands who were responsible for most of the people that came. Sure you may not have liked any of them, but all three bands worked their asses off to get the people there that were there. It wasn't easy, especially the monday after a holiday weekend. Yeah, we were bummed that more people didn't come to see Anthrax and I did think their set was too short, but I was just happy to get up there and play and have a good time. Besides, I got to hear Bush sing Belly Of The Beast and Be All, End night was complete. For those of you who weren't there and want to decide for yourselves if we're "crappy" or not, we've got live mp3's from our set at the Anthrax show on our website( Not the best quality but hey, we got the typical "sound that locals get when they open for nationals"...heheh. Anyways.....can't fuckin' wait to hear Bush re-record some old shit!!!! Thrash or be Thrashed \m/\m/
what a fucking joke,have anthrax got a manager or what,do your homework anthrax,why the fuck wouldnt they split the usa tour,ist leg usa,got to europe japan and australia for a month or 2 and go back there and hit the places that are succesful,sorry for the winge pople...
Sounds like Anthrax needs more street teamers in Toledo.

Anthrax's new management rules. But, the manager does not work for Sanctuary. Know what I'm sayin?
ThraxDude said:
Sounds like Anthrax needs more street teamers in Toledo.

Anthrax's new management rules. But, the manager does not work for Sanctuary. Know what I'm sayin?
its all good thraxdude,i know i fucking complain but its only because i know how good these guys are!!!

hopefully anthrax can hook up with damageplan and kick some ass
mrthrax said:
its all good thraxdude,i know i fucking complain but its only because i know how good these guys are!!!

hopefully anthrax can hook up with damageplan and kick some ass

Yeah I hear ya man....I loved playing a show with those guys but I was bummed because in my opinion, Anthrax should be headlining arenas. They DESERVE to be headlining arenas. Personally, I think Sanctuary isn't putting enough money into promoting the new Anthrax. Because as we all know, over here in the US, you don't have to beg a radio station to play something if their label forks over enough's sad I know, but that's they way it works when most radio stations are getting bought by suck-ass Clear Channel. Clear Channel also owns most of the radio stations in Toledo, so that would explain alot. Very, very sad........That would be cool if they hook up with Damage Plan for a tour....I'll be there, wether we get to play with them or not...\m/\m/. Oh yeah btw, Alchemist DOES kick some serious ass. I like Destroyer 666 from down under as well \m/\m/
i'm glad u like alchemist,have they toured usa yet,i know it was in the works but fell thru a couple years back,they are one of the most unique bands going these days!

also keep an eye out for a band called in the name of,formely cryogenic as they have permanently moved to usa.