Setlist SAXON CHRONICLES DVD > question!


New Metal Member
Aug 12, 2004

Hi everybody!

SAXON killed in Wacken a couple of days ago! (again!!!)

I just bought the DVD today and have a little question!

Why is "Killing Ground" not on the DVD? They played it, i was there in 2001...
It's only as Bonus Video-Track on the "Heavy Metal Thunder"-CD but in relatively poor quality (apparently it is shot not only in Wacken 2001, because Biff is wearing different clothes...) :confused:

Does anybody know why? Technical fuck-up at the start of the concert, or what?

Greetings from Kiel (Germany),
Hi, Gustl! Welcome to the Forum!
I'm sure one of the members will be able to answer your question.
I've heard about this before, but can't remember the reason!
It is a shame, because 'Killing Ground' is a classic track!

I could never understand why they left 'Killing Ground' out of the Wacken dvd. To my knowledge a reason was never given. It could be because they wanted to put the song elsewhere on the dvd, or maybe there was a technical hitch at the start of filming. But the song is a great start to a gig, so to leave it out on purpose was crazy.
Well this is only my conjecture but maybe the performance on Killing Ground wasn't quite up to scratch and the DVD producers wanted to start with a really strong entrance. The performance on Motorcycle Man is really good, and kicks in really well.

Most of the DVD is excellent, but there is a lot of dubbing obviously done on Metalhead, for example. Maybe KG would've needed the same and they didn't want to start with that.

Interesting to know if the band were in on the removal decision or not.