Setting-up a 4 string bass to BEAD


des scoubidoubidous wha !
Jan 15, 2007
Hi folks,

Our guitars are 7 strings. I'll have to track the bass with a 4stringer. I'd like the bass to keep real tight. So I need good strings, a gauge big enough.

Do you have any advice on gauge type ? You can even give your personal favourite pack of strings.

I have no clue about this.

EDIT : really really sorry for posting in the wrong section :S
Actually don't do it (yet :p ), the B string won't probably fit in the nut and/or through the bridge. Better check first. imho you're better of renting a 5 stringed bass.
hey man! i play bass too and i buy rotosound 5 strings set for my 4 strings bass (125´s or 130´s). if you play B, better option is 130´s.;)
i tried ernie ball too, but sincerely, i prefer rotosound.;)
warwick are more economic and good too.;) i was happy when i used warwick.

I wait that I helped you,
A 5-string set of 130's is the way to go. If I were you, I would take the existing nut out and buy a new one to make room for the increase in string size. Then you can use the old nut if you ever want to go back down to regular gauge strings.

I just saw that hsinn3r basically said the same thing about the nut. Sorry!
Just keep it in wont have to change anything
but the only problem is you will be a fifth in every position
or just have them play a six string