bass string gauge for drop D


Aug 4, 2009
Ireland - Denmark
Hey, I tried to do a bit of searching on this forum and google... but did not really find a answer so I thought I would try asking here.

Well the deal is im a guitarist, but I do have a bass for recording and now I want to get some new strings.
What kind of string gauge set would you recommend for a drop D tuning ? (feel free add what brand you like aswell)
to be honest, 105 should be plenty thick. Maybe 110 if you're worried about it being too floppy.

I usually recommend 130's for anything below that though(especially for dropped B). Right now the band i'm recording is using 135's since they play in dropped A
I'm currently using a .110 for the low C in C-standard on my J-bass, and while it's a bit thinner than I'd like, I can't see myself going above a .120 tops! (probably gonna try a .115 first)