

May 20, 2006
Katy, Texas
okay im about to get some new pre amps but heres the problem the input and output is xlr but i go into my 002 rack with 1/4"...whats the best way to get around this? i could go out of the new pre amp into one of my octopre's then use the 1/4" out of that then go in to my 002 but wouldnt that change the sound?

also i was thinking about running everything through a patch bay so..that might make things easier.
XLR and TRS are identical besides the obvious fact that one has pins, the other has a plug. If you're running an OctoPre, you can use the ADAT option ($200) and run it into your 002 via the lightpipe/ADAT cable, and still have all of your pres on your 002 available. That's how I always run my OctoPreLE+002R setup. So I have 16 simultaneous ins, instead of 8. That allows me to record a drumset(kick, snare, ohl, ohr, hats, tom1-5, ride, plus one spare for anything extra), two guitars (D.I.'ed for later reamping), a bass (also D.I.'ed for reamping), and vocals all at once. I use my rig mainly for recording bands live at their shows, running everything from the board right into my setup, works out really well. That gives me the ability to Drumagog the snare, kick, and toms (using my own GOG files of DFHS samples) all correctly, and reamp the guitars and bass later on. The end result is usually what sounds like a commercial live album, and the breaker is usually the vocal tracks, some venues have a horrible setup for the vocals, some have a good one. Everything usually comes out great, but sometimes it's all badass until the vocals come in :lol:

yea im planning on getting a 2nd octopre and using that for 9-16 on the adat and the one i have now will be run through 1-8..damn i wish i could afford HD tho!!