Seven Deadly Sins


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Moonchild!! :loco:

No but really, here is a WAY overdue new feature on a bunch of bands that deserve to be heard, and from a webzine perspective, we'd be grateful if some of the bigger labels just expanded their horizons a little and looked at artists such as these. Goat knows we're sick of derivative melo-death, faggoth, and metalcore arsewipe, so yay to invention, progress, and *gasp*, actual song writing:


Some reviews old, some reviews new, all bands very relevant.
I understand what Erik is saying.

Just to clarify, note that this feature just highlights self-financed bands that aren't being mass distributed on promo format by labels pushing their latest derivative signings/trends.

From our perspective, it's actually interesting to share some thoughts on bands that wouldn't normally be discussed so widely. Regardless of labels etc, there's no reason not to highlight some decent or important artistry.
I agree on that, even though I care little for my own bands' exposure, but it is nice to know that someone is doing something for the non-nuclear blast bands as well.
JayKeeley said:
From our perspective, it's actually interesting to share some thoughts on bands that wouldn't normally be discussed so widely. Regardless of labels etc, there's no reason not to highlight some decent or important artistry.
Of course! That's the point of the webzine, surely? :)
like a fucking prick
I posted this in the wrong thread

cheers for the review, and thanks to Nad for listening to headworm more than once

I didn't care much for it the first few spins, but now it is beginning to envelop my being, one plod at a time.

hmm, I know thats a bit of a problem for us, more often than not it takes a few plays for our shit to kick in with people
with punters its not so bad, if they've bought it they'll give it a go
with labels its a case of 'ugh' next generic drivel please
I think their followup has the possibility of being much stronger, but this is still a very solid first effort

dunno about that
the next release won't be the next album it'll be an instrumental thing
something slightly more odd its coming along nicely...
the next album will be in less than a couple of years i hope
and will be stronger than headworm....but they all say that don't they?

and to add
great feature
the picture is class too
not too obvious what its for though
I missed it first look
but tally ho further into obscurity we go :)
I wouldn't consider it a problems really. Some of my favorite albums take several listens before everything sinks in. Of course some magazines and webzines only give an album a once over before writing a review, and that can be hazardous to albums that aren't immediate like Headworm. I try to give every album at least 3 spins before writing a review, even if I hate the thing at first.
I agree, writing an objective review should ideally require multiple listens, first impressions often prove to be false in the long run, although I do often take mental (and occasionally written) notes when listening to an album I intend to write about the first time...
By the way, I got an e-mail from David over at Woods of Ypres. Seems like we'll be getting an advanced copy of their next release in the next couple of weeks, so I'll add it to the feature when someone gets the review done. Erik - let me know if you're interested.
Great feature and special thanks for adding OF there.

So far I've checked Nasheim and Woods of Ypres and will check the rest also later, but now I must go to drink beer and play Colin McRay Rally 4 with HUGE video canoon or what the hell it's called in english, heh.