Severed Hand - Young titans of power/thrash metal.


Heavy Metal Maniac
Sep 29, 2002
Union, NJ, USA
Severed Hand is a band of young talented musicians straight out of New Jersey. They have been together a few years and among the bands ranks is drummer Paris Bierk (the son of former Skid Row singer Sebastian Bach). They recently added vocalist Walter Figueroa (who by the way is my cousin). Their previous singer was ok but I don't think quite cut it. Walter gives the band more of a power metal feel which crosses paths with their already thrash sound. This is real metal, no border line nu metal or hardcore or anything like that. This is the real deal. Walter's vocals are influenced by the likes of Rob Halford, Bruce Dickinson, Geoff Tate, and Andi Deris. The band is working on their debut album right now "Keep Your Wives Inside" and it is being produced by former Iced Earth guitarist Ralph Santolla who also does some guest guitar work on the album.

I have some video footage of the band from their Stockton College show December of 2004. Walter was down with the flu that night but put on an amazing performance. Of the videos is one of their original songs "Prepare For War" as well as a cover of the Iron Maiden classic "Hallowed Be Thy Name". Check them out and let me know what you think.
Checkin' it out right now, dude!

EDIT: They have a lot of potential, even though it's sloppy at the moment. I'm looking forward to hearing the debut, if it's being produced by Santolla.