SF gig mini review


Photo Mistress
Okay, so I am now at work recovering and I checked my email and found out an old friend of mine, Alex Nelson, who was the guitarist of Lizzy Borden, died in a head-on collision yesterday afternoon. I am in total shock, so needless to say, anything that happened at the gig last night is totally foreshadowed. :cry:

But since no one on here probably remembers Lizzy Borden anymore, I will at least update about the show, what I can remember anyhow. I was able to take pictures of Evergrey and Children Of Bodom for their whole set and MAN did I take a lot of rolls. I know the gig on Thursday will be a bitch to photograph, so I think I took 3 or 4 ROLLS of COB pics. If these photos turn out anything like I think they will, I'll be happy about something at least right now. They were able to play 45 minutes (COB). The crowd response was insanely good for the guys (and Evergrey, too!). I was quite happy for them and they seem to feed off the crowds' response. I was able to meet bobvex, his girlfriend, destroyer of orden and his girlfriend again and archenemy666... Nice to see everyone! ryan, sorry I was so damned out of it when i was talking to you. I was exhausted at that point. I'll try to add more to this later, I have to make some phone calls right now for obvious reasons.
Ack, I forgot to add that I was able to talk to everyone except the ever-elusive Janne and also Jaska. I think I'm not ever supposed to really meet Janne, with my luck. I made a photo scrapbook of 5x7s of each of the bands from previous gigs, decorated the covers and got the majority of everyone to sign it. Only talked to Alexi fast enough to get him to sign my book, he was talking to a chic for quite a while and I didn't have time to wait.
Yea that show was sick. I was suprised when they played Hatecrew I wasnt expecting it at all. The only problem was I couldnt hear the keyboards and lead guitar as much as I would have liked. But other than that is was a great show and set. Did you happen to see that skinhead he got dragged out for strangling someone during Chokehold? (IRonic isnt it :p)
ya, i saw that, i was the short kids near the person who got pulled out. that was my first concert and i have gotta say it was freaking awesome. Children of bodom did great, and i had tons of fun. I really liked when they played Hate me and how everyone was responding with the "I don't give a **** if you hate me!" My ears are just ringing still and i am kinda deaf though
Lizzy Borden is so awesome... I only have the Visual Lies cd...the japanese pressing, and while your friend wasn't on that recording, im sure he kicked ass...god rest his soul!
It won't be for a few days... I have five ROLLS of film (aka about 130 pictures) to scan. I am leaving in an hour or so to drive to LA for the gig tomorrow. Won't be back till Friday night, then I work Saturday, Sunday and Monday. So it'll be a bit. I will be sure to post them though when I scan them.
Squeak said:
It won't be for a few days... I have five ROLLS of film (aka about 130 pictures) to scan. I am leaving in an hour or so to drive to LA for the gig tomorrow. Won't be back till Friday night, then I work Saturday, Sunday and Monday. So it'll be a bit. I will be sure to post them though when I scan them.
nice, im fuckin excited for those, you always take awesome pictures.:worship:
iced earth was too loud, i heard janne fine, but yeah he coulda been up a teeny bit more.

i went to the bus after the show, shared a pin of jack with roope, and talked to him for about an hour. apparantly he has all the Jackson J-50 BC's :( haha
some kids came up and asked him to sign the HCDR sleeves, and i was like, "go get some stone, or waltari, or latvala brothers albums, then come back and get em signed. :p "
he said that if he can ever find his own CD's, he will put them up on "Katszaa" (KaZaa), so that pretty cool of him. roope is a little more computer savvy then alexi, hes posted on the Sinergy board a few times.

i talked to janne again, his time about warmen, cuz i finally listened to the whole CD, not just repeating #1 on Beyond abilities, over and over, and fuck was i blown away, esp by number . . .9 i think, with the harpsichord intro.

anyways. . . .good fun 2 shows in one tour :rock:
@bobvex - hiya!!!!!! :wave: Nice to see you there. hehe I will be sure to send you the group photo. You're one lucky dude to talk to the ever-elusive Janne. I kinda bet I won't get to talk to him at Hollywood... If he's out of the bus and he's not playing, he's usually around pretty girls. Oh well. Roope is fucking FUN to talk to. And Henkka is very, very cool also. We were trying to get me to remember some Finnish, it was hella funny. Okay, I SWEAR I'm leaving for LA within the next 20 minutes, ARGH!
Roope is fun as hell to talk to! Hehe...by the end of the night as I was walking off the bus, he starts talking to me in Finnish. I think he had one too many to drink and forgot I didn't speak Finnish. :lol: Then he remembered and told me "take care and good luck with everything!" in english. :D

And I forgot my funny Henkka story...I wander into the backstage restroom(which is one only)...right in on Henkka. :lol: I was soooo embarassed. I told him after "ahh, i am SO sorry!!" He just laughed and said "it's ok!! No problems!" Then i gave him another smoke. He seemed to like the Winstons well. :D

Funny you mentioned the Henkka Finnish lesson, Squeak, at our show(And I should post the pic of me holding the lesson) Alexi gave me a "finnish lesson" on the bus, since i told him I was going there. It's basically "Haista Vitlu!" (fuck you), Anna Kaljaa!(gimme a beer) and Palnu Vitluun, Kusi Paa! (fuck off, asshole.) I asked him if he could tell me some good finnish swears so I could curse at customers at work and they don't know what I am saying. (I mean, i'll learn other stuff too, don't worry :D), he said to give him paper and something to write with and did, and said "this should get you by." :lol: :lol: :lol: