Shaaman new album.


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Well those who left Angra came with the sophomore album and a moniker change (due to legal problems), so Shaaman is here with "Reason". So if you like the debut you may like to read this, if you didn't like the debut don't even bother to continue.

‘Turn Away’: great fast, heavy opener. Matos voice is almost unrecognizable in the beginning, is mostly power/thrashed with a bit of prog/modern elements (not mallcore thankfully). Reminds me of some stuff from “Fireworks” combined the heavier parts of Dream Theater and some Owens-era Judas Priest.

‘Reason’: the title track. Total change of mood from the first one, feels mostly like something out of Virgo album (and I like that one a lot) and somehow out of the water here. Has a heavier riff towards the end of the first third, but the song still don’t have enough flying capacity IMO.

‘More’: a return to heaviness still I detect some modernisms that make me nervous (I guess I’m too uncomfortable with DT previous album, because I found some similarities here). At the same time some Virgo is present too. So far looks like Matos was less inclined to continue on a power metal crusade than those who he left behind in Angra. His vocals are less high pitched than he used too which can be a plus or a minus depending on your viewpoint.

‘Innocence’: starts with a soft piano and keeps on the soft side. Less Virgo, but not those great ballads from “Holy Land” either. Not a bad song by any means just not exciting, (I guess I’m expecting too much from this band).

‘Scarred Forever’: another heavy one on the same type of the rest. Seem so far like the band wants to jump between heavy/soft songs. A bit annoying for my taste, and more since it has that sound. This is difficult to explain, but something is not kosher here.

‘In The Night’: starts prog (but with that fucking annoying sound) and is not a soft one, but not a heavyweight. I’m still trying to wonder what sound are they try to develop. Around 3:44 they introduce some prog/tribal sounds which give some coolness to the song, but again is not ‘Holy Land’.

‘Rough Stone’: this also combine prog/tribal elements in…another soft song. It caught some force towards the end, but what for?

‘Iron Soul’: this one is the best so far. Not a super speedy, but more on the previous Shaman/mid-tempo Angra side type of song. Matos vocals sound like they have too (at least for my taste), the riff is more interesting and classic, also the mixture of progressive and straight metal elements are more balanced. The song that saves the album.

‘Trail Of Tears’: this one starts good, neat base and neat riff. Sounds very power to me, the way the whole album should have been. Remind me of some of Helloween’s “The Dark Ride” but with the classic Matos voice. The mid-section is also well done giving the song room to breathe clearly. Another saving song.

‘Born To Be’: starts also heavy and immediately falls to softness (grrrrrr). Then it rises again but sounds a lot like something from Virgo, and as much as I liked that project I was hoping for something different here.

Definitively if I go for this album I’ll have to forget the Angra past, otherwise it’s sunk. I’ll have to look with new eyes and cleaner ears, is not like The Organization over Death Angel, but Shaaman is not an offspring of Angra or Angra 2, is a new ballgame and most probably I’ll have to play it on its own right. More spinning will be needed.
I made a thread asking about this album and no one responded.

Your thread was more than I asked for though, thanks, oh and I love ritual, I even have that shirt.
The saYer said:
I made a thread asking about this album and no one responded.

Your thread was more than I asked for though, thanks, oh and I love ritual, I even have that shirt.

Didn't saw yours, sorry :blush: . In anycase I just was able to d/l and review it so I wouldn't have helped much before. Still will probably will hit my wish list, but I need more spinning.
Wyvern said:
‘More’: a return to heaviness still I detect some modernisms that make me nervous (I guess I’m too uncomfortable with DT previous album, because I found some similarities here). At the same time some Virgo is present too. So far looks like Matos was less inclined to continue on a power metal crusade than those who he left behind in Angra. His vocals are less high pitched than he used too which can be a plus or a minus depending on your viewpoint.


"More" is a Sisters of Mercy cover. This band is one of my favorite non-metal bands.

This particular song comes from the album "Vision Thing" [1990].

Andrew Eldritch sings in a low almost booming voice. I can recommend their "Vision Thing" album. Its great!
Hawk said:

"More" is a Sisters of Mercy cover. This band is one of my favorite non-metal bands.

This particular song comes from the album "Vision Thing" [1990].

Andrew Eldritch sings in a low almost booming voice. I can recommend their "Vision Thing" album. Its great!

Thanks for the info Hawk. I have never actually heard SOM, so it was impossible for me to know and more without Shaaman album at hand to check the credits.
Wyvern said:
Thanks for the info Hawk. I have never actually heard SOM, so it was impossible for me to know and more without Shaaman album at hand to check the credits.

Yea I know the feeling! :) If you ever find the time, check that album out. you may like it. :Spin: