Shadow Conspiracy - The Shadow Sails [Pre Pro]


Metal Head
Nov 18, 2010
I need some feedback from you guys, how the entire mix sounds?

There's no bass track yet, roughly this is how they sounds like :


Guitars : Schecter ATX C7 --> TS9 --> Bugera 333XL Crunch Channel [less than 50% gain] --> 4x12 Bugera Cab --> SM57 ---> Twinfinity 710
Not big fan of the snare but the kick sounds good. The guitars sound a bit boxy! Try to cut some mids and add some highs for clarity
Not big fan of the snare but the kick sounds good. The guitars sound a bit boxy! Try to cut some mids and add some highs for clarity

Thanks for the quick reply, yeah, I agree, on the intro, they sounds quite muddy, since the string sections pretty bright, I should cut some more mids when the orchestra comes, but how they sounds without the string sections? during the riffing part at the back? should I cut more mids? I wanted it to sounds bit dirty, attitude huhuhu.

BTW, what would you suggest for the snare? mind sharing your opinions? all opinions are welcome :p