ShadowSphere - Reckless Hate (Video) - Melodic Death Metal


So why not moving?
Dec 20, 2003
Dublin, Ireland
ShadowSphere - Melodic Death Metal from Portugal
ShadowSphere's Website

ShadowSphere are a relatively new band, they've got an album out called "Dark Lands" and are currently working on their forthcomming album. While their new stuff is being worked out they advanced a videoclip of the single, which can be downloaded here: Reckless Hate (Save as)

The band has been compared to In Flames, Soilwork, Iron Maiden, Metallica among many other bands. I personally think they've got their own sound and don't follow the todays trends of melodic death metal. So, if you check this video out, tell us what you think, as it was made by their vocals.
