Shakra – Infected
AFM Records – 2007
By Adam McAuley
A melodiously infected platter of hooks and catchiness is what Swiss rockers Shakra offer, and they do so to an only decent extent at best. They come across as a power metal-like band that wants to craft a work that has a matter of infecting itself onto you, but a rock vibe also pervades the album that comes with its straightforward nature as well.
As such, on the whole it is somewhat difficult to classify what Shakra are altogether. They manage to throw this upbeat approach at you, but the lack of an altogether identifiable characteristic makes it hard to become overly enamored with them. They come across as a slightly dull outfit because they don’t have a particular aspect to their work that has an ability to excite. So, a candy coated flavour is wrapped up amongst the grooves of Shakra and it makes for a slightly shallow listen at times overall. The vocalist Mark Fox doesn’t alleviate the entire platter by any means as he utilizes a delivery that doesn’t completely suit the nature of the music. Shakra aren’t a bad band by any means, as the riffing is sufficiently crisp and appropriate, but their abilities don’t transcend any incredible boundaries either.
Thus we have a straightforward rock platter, with some tendencies towards power metal perhaps, that is brought down by its slightly light-hearted feel and we can never completely appreciate Shakra as a whole. People looking for a specifically good rock work or power metal work are suggested to steer clear of this hybrid and simply focus their views upon the best bands of the genre.
Official Shakra Website
Official Shakra MySpace
Official AFM Records Website
AFM Records – 2007
By Adam McAuley

A melodiously infected platter of hooks and catchiness is what Swiss rockers Shakra offer, and they do so to an only decent extent at best. They come across as a power metal-like band that wants to craft a work that has a matter of infecting itself onto you, but a rock vibe also pervades the album that comes with its straightforward nature as well.
As such, on the whole it is somewhat difficult to classify what Shakra are altogether. They manage to throw this upbeat approach at you, but the lack of an altogether identifiable characteristic makes it hard to become overly enamored with them. They come across as a slightly dull outfit because they don’t have a particular aspect to their work that has an ability to excite. So, a candy coated flavour is wrapped up amongst the grooves of Shakra and it makes for a slightly shallow listen at times overall. The vocalist Mark Fox doesn’t alleviate the entire platter by any means as he utilizes a delivery that doesn’t completely suit the nature of the music. Shakra aren’t a bad band by any means, as the riffing is sufficiently crisp and appropriate, but their abilities don’t transcend any incredible boundaries either.
Thus we have a straightforward rock platter, with some tendencies towards power metal perhaps, that is brought down by its slightly light-hearted feel and we can never completely appreciate Shakra as a whole. People looking for a specifically good rock work or power metal work are suggested to steer clear of this hybrid and simply focus their views upon the best bands of the genre.
Official Shakra Website
Official Shakra MySpace
Official AFM Records Website