Shameless band promotion - download our EP

Jun 28, 2006
So I posted a link to our myspace on here a while back, and the response to the songs on there was positive, so I'd like to see what you guys think of the entire EP. We still do not have a fully committed singer, but the outlook is much brighter than before. Here's the link for the download: RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting
Constructive criticism is appreciated, and I am the guitarist, by the way.
what kind of music do you do? When you say sing, I assume you actually mean sing, and not scream, grunt or rap. (good thing)
Nope lol, it's John Petrucci. I'm 17 and I play a C7 Hellraiser. Thanks for the positive feedback, fading. @RedKef: Yes, we are looking for a singer, no screams grunts or rapping for us.
Well, I've never posted here before, and I don't wish to register, so I'll just remain a random anonymous user, BUT:
Not only does the sound quality sound surprisingly good, but the music kicks some major ass. Nice lead work, and the drums are locked in really tight with the bass/guitar rhythms, specifically the double bass runs during the chugga-chugga bits.

What order do you prefer to have the songs in, by the way? Is there one?
Keep it up,
-The anonymous poster fella.