Shameless self promotion

Sounds like it's an awesome album!
Also sound like you found a cool new singer since the old one left!

The mix sounds a bit...."unfinished" for a lack of better words...or "raw" more...could be a bit cleaner for my tastes, but it sounds cool.
thanks mago!
i didn´t compress it as much as the album before. maybe that´s what you mean?!

yeah, we are very happy that we found a great replacement for our old singer. i think it´s the best album we have done so far but that´s what every band tells from their new album i guess. ;-)

p.s.: is the g-major still running?
hm maybe, could be the compression, I can't put my finger on it. Put it sounds cool non the less anyway!
Could also be that you just left more space for synths and keys than on the last release.

hehe yeah, gMaj is still running, altho it took me more than a year to integrate it into my rig, as I was too lazy to look into midi controler pedals (most where too big, and the small ones too expensive) and to solder the jack to make the gmaj control the channel switch of the peavey^^
But once I had done that it went pretty smooth.
The outer ring of the better working knob got M.I.A. at the last gig -.-
Not going to change a lot anyway on the settings tho so it's not a biggy :lol:
yeah, i thought so, too but unfortunately everybody else wanted the vocals louder...:bah: