Shards of Humanity (Memphis death/thrash)

Mar 5, 2013
Proud to unveil the cover and first track from Shards of Humanity's debut album "Fractured Frequencies." This will be out within a few months on Unspeakable Axe. These guys play technical death/thrash that has a completely vintage bite and ferocity to it - reminds me at times of mid-period Death (before Chuck got all prog), Sadus, and bands of that ilk.

Listen to "Internal Rot":

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We've got a new video up. This is the title track, "Fractured Frequencies." Give it a listen:

The CD is going to press this week or early next.
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This CD is available to pre-order now and will begin shipping on or before July 7. Reviews are starting to come out as well:

WORM GEAR: "If you enjoy the likes of Sadus and Massacra with a small dose of Arghoslent’s melodic sensibility, you’ll give this album a spot on your wish list... Shards of Humanity listened to all the right bands beneath the mould and then emerged with a collection of songs sure to aid the resurrection of the thrash genre’s bloated corpse. Their Tennessean speed metal could be just the right Autumn enema for washing the filth out of your extreme metal colon, likely clogged with an overabundance of black/death."

THE TRUE BRINGER OF DEATH: "Shards of Humanity display a great amount of skill and talent with their musical style and also shows the more technical side of early death and thrash metal instead of going for the more raw old school style that most newer bands fall under as well as bringing back a forgotten style of death metal that is very rarely utilized these days, the production sounds very old school yet professional all at the same time and the lyrics cover dark, scientific, philosophical and metaphysical themes. ...If you are a fan of those musical genres, you should check out this band." 8/10

WE LOVE METAL (Featured Band): "We obviously can’t replace the mighty band DEATH, nor can we match the ground breaking and influential effect they have had on the metal world. Our featured band this week, Shards of Humanity seems to know and accept this, yet they can certainly pay homage to the masters. For me this heavily thrash influenced death metal shows one piece of how DEATH launched the careers of thousands of metal artists. Fractured Frequencies is due to drop in September and I highly recommend you check it out to find a band paying tribute to the past and forging their own path into the future."