Share a snare sample...


Producer/Mixing Engineer
Jul 18, 2006
do you remember the old share a sample thread?

there were many great samples!
but by looking at my samples collection i found that i have manymany kick samples and almost no snare samples!

as the links in the old thread are not working i've decided to make a new thread
I've got a few gogs of snare that I made. Noble & Cooley Alloy Classic Snare -> SM57 -> API preamp -> Apogee AD16x. If someone has a place to host them, I can send them. (Sorry, I don't have time to send everyone individual copies...)
This is a good idea, i have plenty of good kik samples but only have a few usable snare samples. hook it up:headbang:
i'll post some later this week. I've got a really solid ludwig snare that I've manipulated to sound a bit like the snare on Doomsday Machine (took like a week lol) also a really tinny side snare for grindcore and a piccolo snare with a lot of crack. I've got some others I've gotta dig up too.
Here's a full set of samples from a recent session:

Kick: Noble & Cooley Maple 22" -> D6 -> API
Snare: Noble & Cooley Alloy Classic 14" x 6" -> SM57 -> API
Toms: Noble & Cooley Maple 10", 12", 14", 16" -> MD421 -> Neve 1272
Gong Bass: Tama Artstar 20" Gong Bass -> D112 -> Avalon 2022

The kick is not super low, it has a definite "note" to it. With a bit of EQ and compression it can really slam though. The snare is cranked and there is no damping so there's a bit of ring to it. The toms are not muted either, but the drummer knew how to tune the drums so they didn't really need it.

The Gong Bass is a stand mounted 20" kick drum with a 22" head stretched over it like a timpani, the drummer did double kick fills with one hand playing this bass drum - very cool! GONG BASS INFO

I recorded a subkick as well, but didn't slice that up for the samples. Once I have the blended sound I'll try to make an EQ'd/Compressed/Blended sample...
Thanks dave! i'll try it for sure, is this from the cephalic session?

And before i forget again, thanks for the tip on the Hm2 pedal on bass!
That thing is grind in a little orange box man! hahaha
Instant nasum:kickass:
Nope, not from the cephalic session. John has a killer custom snare and we most definitely didn't track with a shitty worn head :lol:

This is just from some local bands sorta junkie kit. The snare's not so bad though. I could see using it again maybe.
And yea, the HM2 is pretty sick. Ultra touchy but when you tweak the high end just right it reeks of old school Swedish death. :headbang:

Try running the HM2 hard into the high gain channel of a Mesa or the like on guitar. More brutal Swedish goodness.
Totally man, I just tried it on the crunch channel of a Brunetti 059, it was like having the sound you hear on the intro of particles!! (intro song from shift by nasum you know)
So friggin'brutal and dirty, and the middy thing even makes pretty clear!

Can't use it more then once tho imo.. i tends to stack up (distortion wise..) so when using it on guitars i tend to use the ODb3 as my bass distortion.
You incountered the same?
I've never actually recorded the HM2 on guitar, just plugged in and fucked around. I could see the stacking being an issue there though.

The pedal sounds totally different once you get past that threshold on the high end pot. For bass I normally try and stay just below that point so it doesn't get too dirty.

And BTW, My HM2 is black with orange print and knob caps. I wonder if I have an older one?

Sorry for the topic wandering everyone...