Sharon Osborne says no to Anthrax re;Ozz Fest


Feb 7, 2002
Queens NY
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Just received email from my pals at OzzFest website and they said Sharon wouldn't even consider Anthrax.She feels that they are not important to the scene and that they were a better band when Joey was there singer.This is the 7th time she has dissed the band.I hope KISS invites Anthrax out on their summer tour.I bet it blows away OzzFest!Kiss & Anthrax two NYC bands kicking ass.
Ozzy should have killed her when he had the chance.
Ozzfest won't be getting me and my friends' money.
I'm not one to want to show anger that much, but what a lousy person, and bitch Ozzy wife really is! She could have just said no! She didn't have to give her stupid explanation! Ozzy Fest is over saturated with Korn and Limp Bizkit wannabe's anyway! Maybe that bitch should join Limp Bizkit as their new guitar player so we can tell her that Limp Bizkit was better with Wes Borland!
Sorry, and what, exactly has Ozzy done for the "scene" lately? I haven't heard a decent new track from him since No More Tears, and the crap that has been put out I would not consider metal. In the meantime, he has been living off of old glory (didn't he have a "farewell tour" 10 years ago?) He gets out on stage, and looks like he needs a walker to get from one side to the other.

I can see how Sharon would feel threatened by having an older act that has actually progressed and grown as a metal act, that might actually make Ozzy look bad, instead of shrivelling up like he has.

Okay, I'll stop ranting now.

What a fucking gip. Sharon is a fucking tart and doesn't know when to allow a great fucking band play when there's enough reason to let them. They've got a CD coming out for gods sake!

I reckon if Sanctuary are gonna do a tour of their own artists that might be a cool way to get the act out there.
Originally posted by weave
Just received email from my pals at OzzFest website and they said Sharon wouldn't even consider Anthrax.She feels that they are not important to the scene and that they were a better band when Joey was there singer.This is the 7th time she has dissed the band.I hope KISS invites Anthrax out on their summer tour.I bet it blows away OzzFest!Kiss & Anthrax two NYC bands kicking ass.

Sharon is a smart business woman. All the bands she is taking out have a greater appeal to the younger audience she is trying to attract. They are also selling better than Anthrax. If Anthrax puts out a killer record that goes platinum and the kids start wearing those shirts in the mall, then she will take Anthrax in 2003.

As for her dissing them by saying Joey was better, I think she's probably never even heard any of the Bush era stuff. She just remembers that they were making $$ when Joey was there and times have been leaner for them since the change.

As for KISS, KISS is a joke. They are selling coffins, for christ sake. Anthrax should put together a strong metal tour. Pick someone from these bands: Megadeth, Slayer, Iced Earth, Down, Biohazard.
Sharon Osbourne..

A sucsessful ANTHRAX tour will come. Oh yes, a tour w/ MEGADETH. I predict this.....and so it shall come to pass.

Who needs Sharon Osbourne anyhow?
Certainly not any one of "the BIG FOUR".
I com[letely agree with fat drunk and stupid, and I also agree that ozzy is just as out of the scene as Anthrax if not more. I love him and I think he's great and I like the new stuff but I bete every person who goes to ozzfest to see ozzy would also like to see Anthrax. and yeah that was mean of her. but it wouldn't make more money. not right now. MTV has to start playing ANthrax otherwise they'll never be in the scene which is fine with me.
Why the hell are all you people so hostile?? :confused:
Do you realise that Sharon has an opinion and if she doesn't put Anthrax on Ozzfest it's obviously her choice. Even if we all would prefer it if Anthrax were on the bill you can't just act like fucking immature babies like Billy Milano and call her a bitch. :err:
In my opinion, Anthrax is better off without being on the Ozzfest. Fuck exposure to little whiny brats that dig Papa Roach.

Everybody should stop bitching. In my opinion, Anthrax, Metallica, Megadeth and Slayer should be working hard together to get a new "Clash of The Titans" going. Maybe dub it "Fathers of Thrash" (maybe that's too gay?) That tour would sell out definitely - if someone had the balls and the bucks to back it. Hell, if I won the lotto, I'd put that shit up myself. But that's a dream. Just like Anthrax selling more tickets than System of a Down (it's sad but true...hate to be the bearer of bad news).

P.S.: F-Billy
To be honest getting blown out like 7 times is a little more than an opinion if you think about it. Anthrax is a damn good band and considering who's playing that should be allowed to at least go on the tour.

But you never know there might be another group tour happening, just gotta wait for it to happen I guess.
total bull shit is how i would describe this. why the hell would they not get anthrax up there being the thrash icons they are. what i wouldnt give to hear caught in a mosh on ozzfest, but oh well, as whoever else that posted said a good thrax tour will come, and ladys and gents ill be seeing that shit. i can see it now, i hope she changes her mind cause goddamnit im sacrificing a lot to go to ozzfest this year and i had better get a good damn show or im gonna be pissed the hell off, later on,

Anthrax should be on Ozzfest, most of the bands that younger audiences listen to today are weaker versions of Anthrax. Many people are forced into thinking that only new bands produce something worth listenting to. A lot of the younger audiences don't even know who Anthrax is. Another problem is that if Ozzfest keeps going after this fickel(spelling?) crowd there won't be an Ozzfest much longer.
Ozzfest is full of shitty bands who only capture a bunch of poseur immature kids without an opinion, but still there are cool bands on the bill, including Black Label Society or Tool. I think Anthrax would have fit perfectly on the stage and would´ve kicked everybody´s ass and I know what I´m talking about because I´ve seen them twice onstage. We all know Ozzy has been a Sharon´s puppet for soooooo many years and there´s no wonder. The only reason why he´s still making records is because Sharon takes all the money. But this is Sharon´s opinion and I don´t believe she has ever heard or seen live Anthrax with Bush. Otherwise she wouldn´t have said that kind of bullshit, that´s clear. I hope the situation gets better with their new record. Hell, the world REALLY needs a hero!
You've got it right with Tool but Black Label wank stinks man. Zak may be able to play guitar but he doesn't know how to write decent material +he's an arrogant asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by matter
Why the hell are all you people so hostile?? :confused:
Do you realise that Sharon has an opinion and if she doesn't put Anthrax on Ozzfest it's obviously her choice. Even if we all would prefer it if Anthrax were on the bill you can't just act like fucking immature babies like Billy Milano and call her a bitch. :err:

I swear to fucking god! WE can't have OUR opinion about Sharon Osbourne, but SHE can have her opinion about ANTHRAX? What the fuck ever! I'm tired of ppl telling others that they're immature just b/c they don't like anothers opinion. It's her choice, and her loss. Let 'em tour w/ MEGADETH. Case closed.

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