Sharon Osborne says no to Anthrax re;Ozz Fest

They'll get a good tour togather before too long, I'm sure. Hey at least we won't have to sit through hours of bullshit bands to see Thrax.
I never went to ozzfest but I had one of the cd's the one with slayer, and sepultura and I think biohazard and machine head. it's to put ozzy with bands the kids like so he can be in the scene.
but man I remember hearing about past shows and all the badass bands fucking heavy metal and THRASH! damn now it's all boy metal bands.
but I've learned alot recently that it's realy not all about the fans it's about the $$$. I mean yeah it was nice for him to dedicate a song to me and the millions of other ozzy fans but I always remember what it all comes down to.
is my fat and dirty dollar.
well i'll tell u a little story people years ago anthrax was the support for ozzy in 86 or 87 and got kicked off the tour because anthrax was selling heaps more merchandise and were actually the drawcard to get people to the concerts!!!!!!!

sharon still holds a grudge she is pathetic
I don't believe any of this, like Sharon even knows who Joey Blowadonna is. The TRUTH is Sharon hates Anthrax because she got into it with Jonny Z, Anthrax's old manager over a tour years ago where Anthrax upstaged Ozzy, got kicked off and the tour then went buttkiss and she blames Anthrax for the failed tour. Bitch won't let it die, thus EVERY metal band you can think of has played Ozzfest except Anthrax. Are you telling me Anthrax couldn't draw? BULLSHIT, don't even have to get in to that. And to corroborate the story, a few years back Ministry was to play Ozzfest and right before the tour they switched their management to Jonny Z. Rather than deal with Jonny Z, Sharon dropped Ministry from the tour with FULL pay. She's that diluted. Shit floats to the top.

Sure Anthrax might not sell as many records as other new bands, but they haven't even really got the exposure those bands have. Most people when you mention Anthrax to them think of the 80's screaming w/ Joey. I've played some new Anthrax at work and this guy behind me who listens to a bunch of new metal was like, "Damn, who's that? Is that their first album, cause they're good, they're gonna be huge." I tell him it's Anthrax and it's their 8th studio album and he's like, no way. Not a chance. He's a fan of them now.

I want to see Anthrax on a headlining type tour anyway. This new record sounds like it'll kick some ass. And you never know, maybe Sanctuary will push Anthrax out in the open to get played on radio or somewhere, anywhere.

A thrash of the Titans tour would kick ass. Even if Metallica has changed (good or bad, it's everyone's opinion). Put them on a bill w/ Anthrax, Megadeth and Slayer, and they will have to match the intensity of the other 3.
I e-mailed the nuclear-blast folks who will be Anthrax's record label and distributors for Europe.They said they are honoured to work with Anthrax and will do their absolute best to push them.:)
Sounds pretty positive, we'll just have to wait and see.
Dont confuse me with that fag necro.

Sharon sucks!
Ozzy is a fucking retard!
He needs to shit in his commode every morning before taking his wheelchair outside to feed the fucking birds.
Sharon has her arm so far up Ozzy's ass. That explains the way he speaks as of late.

If some people are tired of our hateful opinions thats too bad. You have yours and we have ours.
Anthrax rules and we will defend them. FUCK OZZFEST. J bush is the man!
Now go watch the ICED EARTH/ INFLAMES tour!
They arent the same band they were.I agree with Sharon on this...They were a better band with Joey(and Danny).They have had some good songs but nothing like pre sound of white noise.
Ozzfest is the joke here. It's not about metal. It's about pop music, and that's not arguable as Sharon has already made it abundantly clear. As far as being a smart buisness woman, what's the point? Why not put good bands over popular bands?--just to get the trendy audiance?--do they not already have enough money?

On another note, the Ozzbourne children are spoiled brats. They act like asses on TV and bitch like the sheltered suburbans that they are.

Ozzy is wooped. =]
Ozzfest hasn't been worth 2 squirts in a bag full of monkey crap since '97 as TD hinted. The main idea behind our loyalty towards the almighty Anthrax is that we refuse to be force-fed the pop/nu-metal half-ass crap people like Sharon Osbourne try to stick down our throats.
It's been said a million times, but just because it's popular it doesn't mean it's good. Popular means that if people want to be lazy and just like whatever they "hear" is good by mainstream MTV and such bullshit, instead of actually searching for a sound that plucks the strings in your heart, they deserve to be shot. That's when it's about fashion and not about being yourself.
As for John Bush, I can't think of anyone better to compare to Ozzy:
1. His lyrics for the past 7-8 years haven't been re-hashed versions of themselves, they have gone from good to godly.
2. If placed in a physical contest, Ozzy's voice would crack and fail before John finished his first scream.
3. You can understand what John is saying when he speaks.

I like to compare John to other singers because I think he's just about the greatest American singer there's ever been. I liked Ozzy in the past, but FUCK how the mighty have fallen.

Why in fuck should I worry about letting Ozzy's new stuff grow on me when a band like Anthrax is preparing to release an album this summer? Zakk Wylde is still a cool guy though....
Kamelo....You are a smart man.......John Bush RULES!!!! Every great singer in metal admits he is awesome (Did you see Ripper's comments on John?) and many great metal bands have wanted him.....


Fuck assured metalheads, Anthrax's time is coming and the tour we have been waiting for is forthcoming!!! There are too many great bands on Sanctuary not to have a kickass package in the near future.
I saw about 10 minutes of "The Osbournes"...enough to make me realize that the whole family are complete losers. The kids are assholes and the parents don't do any parenting. They just sit around, cuss, and play with their 500 annoying dogs. They even hire someone to cook their food while they sit around and DO NOTHING. What a bunch of pathetic losers.

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